The Snake

Race against The Snake!

The Snake 10-Mile Trail Race returns for its second year! This race takes its name from the winding nature of the course, set amid the rugged trails and old-growth forest of the north shore of Clinton Lake, Lawrence, Kan. The Snake traverses the connector trails between the north shore's blue- and white-blazed trail systems out about 5 miles and back again. The unique course layout promises to provide a new experience to even the seasoned Clinton Lake veteran! The Snake features a midway aid station staffed by fellow trail runners and a post-race watermelon feast for runners, volunteers, families and friends. The Snake is designed for runners who like using the words "brutal" and "fun" in the same sentence.

Race date:
July 15, 2017
Start time:
07:00 AM
Race distance:
10 miles

Event Information

Race Directors

Race Results


Snake 10-Mile Trail 2017. John Knepper photos.

Hawk Hundred 100/50/26.2 - 2012

Skyline Shuffle 2018