Pi Day River Rotation - Half Marathon and 5K

It's not just a Half Marathon, it's a Half Marathon with Pie! Pi Miler -Pi to Pie

Trail run on a smooth, fast course with a few hills sprinkled in for fun.

The Pi Miler, starting at 8 am, is 2 loops of different distances, totaling 3.14 miles (just over a 5K).

The River Rotation Half Marathon, starting at 9 am, is a 13.14 mile three-loop course, alternating between counter clockwise and clockwise directions.

There will be a single aid station located at the trail head. Runners in the half-marathon will pass the aid station twice, at 5-mile intervals.

Water, sports drink and fruit will be available at the aid station.

After the race, enjoy some homemade pie at the finish line!

New this year: chip timing!

Finishers of the River Rotation Half will receive an outdoor, durable, magnet with the date and their time.

Join us on Facebook to get some motivation, Pi humor/facts, and updates on the race! https://www.facebook.com/PiDayRiverRotationHalfMarathonAndPiMiler

Race date:
March 12, 2016
Start time:
08:00 AM
Race distance:
3.14 / 13.14
Cut off time:
4 hours

Event Information

Click here for a course map.


1st, 2nd, 3rd place male/female overall awarded for both races 1st, 2nd, 3rd place male/female in 19 and under, 20-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59, 60-69, 70-and over. 1st, 2nd, 3rd place in Clydesdale and Athena -As a first year at these races awards will be given to the top three finishers of each race. Clydesdale and Athena competitive divisions are based on weight minimums outlined in the USA Triathlon Competitive Rules. Athletes competing in the Clydesdale division must be a minimum of 220 pounds and athletes in the Athena division must be a minimum of 165 pounds


Lodging information can be found here.

Race Results

Frequently Asked Questions


The Organizer’s refund policy is subject to change at the discretion of the Organizer and any such changes are published either within this refund policy, Facebook page, and/ or on the Lawrence Trail Hawks website. You, as the participant, understand that we may cancel or postpone the Event if circumstances beyond our reasonable control. The Race Directors reserve the right to modify or cancel the race or course for safety concerns or natural disaster. In such cases there will be no refunds of race entry fees. Each athlete must accept any such risk of their entry fee paid. There is no complimentary race entry to a future race. Entry fees collected are used to develop and produce the event, starting well in advance of the race date – including course preparation, race supplies, permits and administration. We pledge to make every effort to produce a fair and safe event for all participants. Any decision we make that impacts the race date or potential cancellation is carefully considered and based on the overall event safety and manageability. The organizer will not refund any proportion of the Event Participation fee once the Participant has participated in the event. This policy is non-discriminatory and does not take account of any individual circumstances in order for fairness and clarity. Event reservations may be transferred between categories provided any additional costs that are relevant are paid in full if such a request is emailed ten clear days before the event date. You may transfer your Event reservation to a friend, in writing, to the Organizers, along with a signed waiver by the new participant, if such a request is emailed fourteen clear days before the event date.

Wait, what time does my race start?

The Pi Miler starts at 8 am.

The Pi Day River Rotation Half Marathon begins at 9 am.

Where do the races start? Where do I check in?

Both races start at the gate on the levy.

Check in and the finish line is a bit Southeast of there in the field.

ALL runners should check in and out of the race.

Check-in starts by 7am.

What about parking?

The parking past the levy will not have access from 7:45 a.m. until 8:20 a.m. during the Pi Miler start and again from 8:45 a.m. –9:20 a.m. for the beginning of the Half Marathon.

Both races start at the levy gate into the park, run through the parking lot and on to the trails. Please be mindful of that when parking.

Can I run with headphones?

Yes and No. Headphones are allowed, but if you use them, you can only have one ear bud in so that you can hear if a course director or fellow runner needs to tell/warn you of something. If you choose to ignore this rule and go off course...

Can I bring my non-human companion?

The River Trails are not that wide, we ask that if you can leave your pet at home, please do so.

If you do decide to run with a four legged pal (or a parrot?!?), please make sure they are -on a leash and -do not get in other runners’ ways or both other participants/volunteers.

Will there be photography?

Photography on the trail and finish line will again be by Mile 90 Photography! http://www.mile90.com/Race-Photos/Pi-Day-2014

How will I know my finish time?

We are using chip timing this year with RaceDay Timing Solutions for both races.

What kind of pie?

All kinds! Celestial Bakery will be back again providing us with yummy cream, fruit, and vegan pies! And of course plenty of homemade pies. There will be pumpkin pie too.

If you have a favorite that will help you get to the finish line, just on our Facebook page and let us know!


We will have Pi Day sweatshirts and the opportunity to purchase extra and/or the long/short sleeve version of the race shirt during registration on Ultra Signup. Limited numbers will be available on race day. We will also have the very awesome Lawrence Trail Hawk t-shirts available.

It run on trails? Will I get lost?

The Lawrence River Trails loop around, so you should be fine. In the months/weeks leading up to the races the LTHs will do training runs running the courses, check out their Facebook page or the main page here for dates/times. Or ask, someone is always up for a run!


Trail Hawks Ridgeline aid station at Heartland100, 2018

Lawrence Trail Hawks Frozen Fat Ass Run, Jan. 6, 2018

Discount Day at Garry Gribble's Running Sports

2015 HAWK 100, 50 &26.2 Mile 90 Photo