The Snake

Can you take The Snake?

The Lawrence Trail Hawks' inaugural edition of The Snake 10-Mile Trail Race takes its name from the winding nature of the course, set amid the rugged trails and old-growth forest of the north shore of Clinton Lake, Lawrence, Kan. The Snake traverses the connector trails between the north shore's blue- and white-blazed trail systems out about 5 miles and back again. While the course will be heavily marked with flags and signs, even runners experienced with the north shore trails may find themselves feeling as though they're on new and strange territory. Swag includes a custom tri-blend tank top for women, and unisex running shirt for men or women; and the classic illustrated "Pocket Guide to Kansas Snakes," donated by Westar Energy. The Snake features a midway aid station staffed by fellow trail runners and a post-race watermelon feast for runners, volunteers, families and friends. The Snake is designed for runners who like using the words "brutal" and "fun" in the same sentence. Can you take The Snake? Or will you break?


The race directors have just concluded a special arrangement with the snakes of Clinton Lake not to attack any runners in "The Snake." On signing up, each entrant will be given a unique "snake name." As a runner, if you encounter a snake on the trail, simply identify yourself with your secret snake name, then give the snake as wide a berth as possible. Molesting snakes in any way violates the terms of our agreement. When snakes and people meet, both should depart unharmed.

Race date:
July 9, 2016
Start time:
07:00 AM
Race distance:
10 miles

Event Information

Race Directors

Race Results

Lawrence Trail Hawks Birthday Run 2018

Hawks Ridgeline aid station Heartland100

Wed. Night run

Sunset Bunker Hill