Sanders Saunter 10k / 25k

Pound the mound

The 2015 race is a Benefit for Team RWB, Kansas City

The 10k+ course has a visit to Sanders Mound, a small hill overlooking Clinton Lake, at the beginning of the race and again near the end. The course is rugged trails running through the beautiful trees. Canine runners are welcome!

The 25k will also visit the mound twice and run further out on the white trail and back on the blue trail.

Photographers: Mile 90 will once again be taking our beautiful race day pictures.

Swag: Long Sleeve Technical T-shirt - size only guaranteed if you sign up by November 6th.

NEW THIS YEAR: WAVE Start - 25K race start time 9AM - 10K start time 9:30AM

Chip Timing provided by Raceday Solutions

Staffed aide station at the turn around point for the 10k. Two staffed aide stations for the 25k, the first one at the 10k turnaround and the second station is shortly before the 25k turnaround. Homemade breads, snacks, coffee, hot chocolate and a warm fire offered post-race at the start/finish area.

Race date:
November 21, 2015
Start time:
09:00 AM
Race distance:
10k and 25k

Event Information


Fun Awards for top 3 Male/Female

Race Directors

Race Results

Hawk Hundred 100/50/26.2 - 2012

SNAKE 10 Mile Trail Race 2018

HAWK 100 & 50 Mi

2015 HAWK 100, 50 &26.2 Mile 90 Photo