Sanders Saunter - 10k and 25k

Pound the mound

The race is a Benefit for The Birdsong Family: Browynn, our little warrior, is fighting brain cancer and has already undergone extensive surgery to remove a tumor. He will be starting chemotherapy shortly and is continuing his physical therapy to regain usage of his left side. Profits from the race will assist in paying only a small portion of Browynn’s ongoing medical bills. The Lawrence Trail Hawks appreciates you supporting our little benefit race.

Race details:

The 10k+ course has a visit to Sanders Mound, a small hill overlooking Clinton Lake, at the beginning of the race and again near the end. The course is rugged trails running through the beautiful trees out on the white trail and back on the Blue Trail. Aide Station: Lake Henry the 10K turnaround point - Water and Sports drink

The 25k course will also visit Sanders Mound at the beginning of the race and again near the end. Runners will run out on the white trail, slightly past the 8 mile mark, to the trail connector and back on the Blue Trail.

Aide stations: Lake Henry, (Mile 3ish) Water and Sports drink

Manned Aide station: White Trail (slightly after mile marker 8) Water, sports drink, gels, fruit, salty and sweet snacks

Lake Henry aide station on the way back on blue, (Mile 11.5ish) Water and Sports drin

Race date:
November 22, 2014
Start time:
09:00 AM
Race distance:
10k and 25k

Event Information


Fun Awards for top 3 Male/Female

Race Results


Mile 90


Skyline Shuffle 2018

Skyline Shuffle 2018

SNAKE 10 Mile Trail Race 2018

Hawk Hundred - 100/50/26.2 - 2012