Board Meeting Minutes, November 17, 2021

Nov. 26, 2021 by Kylee "Copperhead Hawk" Sharp

Trail Hawks Board Meeting Nov 17, 2021 Lawrence Beer Company, 6pm

Attendance: Mike Miley, Josh McVey, Megan Moriarty, Jeff Triplett, Todd Chandler, Mary Ann Fevert, Shari Hicks, Kylee Sharp

Josh McVey - Funds (I missed some of this due to trying to find the minutes notes!) % of income: membership is a few %, rest is from races. If races can turn 10% profit, it keeps us healthy, pay for storage equipment, etc.

Events: Frozen Ass Jan 1-2 Same location as Cactus Roulette West Park Road aid station, have shelter and camp sites near the bathroom Shelter #5 in Campground 3 (Group Camp 3) Gas heaters and tarp around the shelter Demo for Cactus Roulette Caroline is doing write up, FB event, etc

January All Hands Meeting Will move to Saturday, Feb 12, 19, or 26 this year Haven’t done it in the last two years! Rec centers will be housing homeless in winter Train Depot was a good place, Cider Gallery may be good (Megan will check availability)

Race Schedule Cactus Roulette Jan 29-30 Figure out wheels, buy or build? Sponsors, Gary Gribbles (Heather or Mark) or Ad Astra? Donations to the park-Josh take care of standard donation Porta potties Won’t have electricity at shelter but will have it across the street. Canopy across for soups, hot foods, etc


1/29-30 Cactus Roulette 3/12 Pi Day 5/1 Skyline Shuffle 6/25 Night Hawk 7/23 Snake 9/10 Hawk 10/8 Shoreline Shuffle 11/5 Sanders

Josh won’t be RD for upcoming race. Will ask Matt, if not, we’ll look for replacement 30 hours max for time commitment Skyline on a Sunday am? Shoreline: will continue to discuss timing, may push to first or second week in October? October 8 is looking good. Golden Hawk 11 people have deferred and are signed up. Difficult to commit to dates last year and this year Start Golden Hawk in June of this year? Go June-June? Could start a Jan class and a June class Trying to provide flexibility where we can

Planning to re-establish our big races, get others filled in again to have a solid year this year.

Share race calendar for the year in January if we can do it.

RD Bench:

Existing RD Members Potential/Developing Caroline Megan Jordan Ami Gary Mary Ann Shari Josh Matt Kara Cara

Meryl Sherrie Benita Todd Barrett

RCCA Resources: RD Certification, ~ $250 Trail Hawks agreed will pay for Todd to get RD Certification

Championship Race Series

Get points for participating in the races, certain criteria but Hawk, Night Hawk and Sanders could be submitted Submissions need to be done by Dec 4. Todd will submit for Sanders first and see what the process is.

*Bookmark sized calendar OR magnets at the running stores with our race calendar and regular runs!

Discussing how to do regular runs, when people will actually show up, how to organize it? Keep doing group runs? Just do once a month and hang out after? Saturday sleep-in run, 9am river trails?

Everyone is happy to do it, but it’s hard when people don’t show up. Everyone’s been home for two years, doing their own things, and that’s what people are used to now. Tuesday Signal Oak Hill Repeats? More people running those in Baldwin than in Lawrence, so this one is a good one to keep regular. Gal Gallop also has a strong regular group

Next meeting will be the All Hands Meeting

HAWK 2016 Orientation and Pre-Race Dinner

2017 Sanders Saunter/ Lake Henry aid station

Hawk 50 finish