All Hands Annual Meeting

March 1, 2022 by Gary "Story Hawk" Henry

To: Todd Chandler, president; Jordan Shrack, vice president; Josh McVey, treasurer; Mike Miley, social media director; Caroline Wroczynski, membership director; Lawrence Trail Hawks Members

From: Gary Henry, secretary

Subject: Minutes of Feb. 26, 2022 All Hands meeting

1. Meeting called to order Lawrence Trail Hawks members held their annual All-Hands Meeting between 6 and 9:30 pm Feb. 26 at the Union Pacific Depot in North. About 15 members attended.

2. Introductions The meeting opened with the members introducing themselves including Hawk name, and describing a favorite early childhood smell. In some cases, members also told the stories of their Hawk names. In particular, Mary Ann’s account of why she became “Squeaky Hawk” reduced the meeting to helpless laughter for several minutes.

3. Recognition Todd recognized the contributions during the past year of the club’s volunteers, including Run Leaders, Race Directors, Board Members, and all those who have donated time and energy to seeing the club succeed, particularly in the difficult Covid environment.

Sherrie Klover recognized – Todd made special note of outgoing HAWK 100- 50- and 26.2-Mile Trail Race director, Sherrie Klover’s work in making both the HAWK and Sanders’ Saunter trail runs into popular and highly successful races. For example, as RD, Sherrie took Sanders’ Saunter from a 10K race with 66 runners in 2013 to a 10K, 25K and 50K race with 363 runners in 2021 – with the resulting huge increase in charitable revenues, since Sanders’ Saunter is the club’s annual charity race. He also pointed out Sherrie’s service to the club as a former president and vice president.

4. Election Since Todd was part of the slate of officers up for election, he asked Shari Hicks to oversee the election. Shari named the candidates individually – Todd Chandler for president; Jordan Shrack for vice president; Josh McVey for treasurer; and Gary Henry for secretary – and requested a show of hands in favor of electing. The candidates were chosen unanimously.

Shari then administered the oath of office, and the membership sealed the deal with a resounding shout of “Imperious Rex.”

5. Treasurer’s Report Although Josh was unable to attend, he sent a brief report via Todd. The Trail Hawks bank balance is currently $20,000, and 2021 saw charitable donations of $3,400. As the club’s races come back on line, Josh and Todd expect 2022 to be a productive year.

6. Races and Events Cactus Roulette – The Trail Hawks’ newest race, Cactus Roulette, took place Jan. 28-29, and had 56 entrants. Feedback was universally positive. The race did not turn a profit, due in part to short lead time (90 days from conception to execution) and the expense of premium timing and photography. The cost is considered a start-up investment, and the race is expected to be profitable for 2023.

Pi Day – RD Caroline Wroczynski reported that preparation is going smoothly for Pi Day, to be held March 12. Permits are in. Entrants appear to be down from this time in 2020 (the race wasn’t held in 2021 due to Covid concerns). Swag will include a collapsible cup for running, to help reduce paper cup waste and expense.

Skyline Shuffle – Todd reported that this race, also not held in 2021, will be back this year, May 1.

Night Hawk – RDs Mary Ann Frevert and Shari Hicks report that photography, swag and permits are lined up for the June 25 race.

The SNAKE – RD Gary Henry reports that The SNAKE is on for 2022 after a two-year absence, and all preparations are made. Gary displayed the white stainless steel 15-ounce travel mug with SNAKE logo that will be race swag, and demonstrated how it could be used to consume adult beverages. Race volunteers will get a natural-finish version of the same mug.

The HAWK – Co-RD Jordan Shrack reported that preparation is underway for the 2022 HAWK, including upcoming monthly video promotions via social media. The race is set for Sept. 10.

Prowl, Howl and Growl – The Trail Hawks’ annual Halloween run and party will take place Saturday, Oct. 22, at 6 p.m.

Frozen Fat Ass – This event is set for noon Jan. 7 to 10 a.m., Jan. 8, 2023.

Golden Hawk – The endurance event which challenges entrants to run every single Trail Hawks race will begin this year with the Night Hawk 2022 and finish with Skyline Shuffle 2023. The Golden Hawk is searching for an RD. Contact Todd if you are interested.

Reports were not available for the Birthday Run and the Shoreline Shuffle 5K.

Todd said that the Trail Hawks are looking for volunteers willing to train as RDs to deepen the club’s RD bench. Let Todd know if you would like to be considered, or if you know someone you think would make a great RD.

7. Group Runs Shari Hicks, run leader for Wednesday’s hill repeat run, is transferring the weekly run to Signal Oak in Baldwin, since no one has been turning out for repeats at Sanders’ Mound.

Attendance has been spotty at some of the group runs, likely due to Covid. One action to help improve attendance is to communicate group run times and places via ultra signup when members join or renew. Strava and Instagram, in addition to Facebook were also suggested as mediums for communicating about club runs. In the past, socializing with food and drink post-run seems to have been popular.

Saturday Run Leader Megan Moriarty is looking for someone who can run a faster pace to join her and Kara Baden as run leaders.

Re-starting the Monday Run as an introduction to the Trail Hawks was discussed; Todd called for volunteers willing to lead.

8. Membership Report Membership Director Caroline Wroczynski reported the club currently has 133 dues-paying members. Membership is still good for one year from paying dues, although ultrasignup only shows calendar year membership, January to December. Members can determine whether their dues are current, however, by checking ultrasignup for the date that they paid dues. Membership is good for one full year following that date. The club needs to re-verify and post member benefits at Lawrence running stores, and online running store Running Warehouse.

9. Open Trails Initiative Gary Henry, who is also the Kansas Trails Council’s North Shore Trails Coordinator, briefed the meeting on the Open Trails Initiative. This is a long-range plan to strengthen vulnerable areas of the trail system against moisture, so the trails remain usable in wet conditions. The plan relies on volunteer labor and all-natural material, most locally-harvested stone.

10. Brochure Update Todd, Mike Miley and Gary will meet to discuss updating the club informational trifold. The brochure was last updated in 2015.

11. Other issues** Storage Unit – Todd thanked Megan for her recent cleaning and re-organizing of the storage unit.

Heaters – It was noted that the tall standing heaters no longer operate properly. The club will purchase new ones, and Jay Hawks said he’d be willing to check out the heaters to see if they are repairable.

Hawk aid stations at other races – In part because of Covid, Trail Hawks have not maintained their presence as aid station volunteers at other races, including Prairie Spirit and Heartland. This year should see a return to the outreach. Gary has committed to the Spring and Fall Heartland races, and will be looking for volunteers to help staff the aid stations.

12. Meeting adjourned With all issues addressed, the meeting was adjourned.


Gary Henry Secretary

2019 All Hands Meeting

RRCA Coaching Certification Class, Lawrence


All Hands Meeting 2018