Board Meeting Minutes, May 2021

Aug. 13, 2021 by Kylee "Copperhead Hawk" Sharp

Meeting date: May 19, 2021

6pm. Zoom. In attendance: Todd Chandler, Caroline Wroczynski, Lisa Ball, Dezert Abrams, Cara Combs, Michael Miley, Lori Moriarty, Mary Ann Frevert


63 paid members, a lot of people from 2020 just haven't signed up yet. Usually happens at All Hands meeting, last year has obviously been different. Caroline will send out regular reminder emails soon, through MailChimp. Reminder that membership sign-ups are now available on Changing communication chair from Tamara to Mike on web site


Nicole and Shari weekday group runs have been pretty seamless. Saturday group runs (Megan and Cara) will start those Memorial Day weekend.


NIGHTHAWK - MaryAnn Caps on each distance, but MaryAnn changed it to an overall 200 person race. 73 for 50K, 47 for 20 mi, 55 for 10 mi Arranging food truck for race instead of bringing own food. Truck is doing breakfast burritos. Each runner gets a ticket for a burrito. Will try to get a count for vegan, vegetarian, etc. Also more for people who want to buy food. Chips and drinks provided. Still figuring out how to do aid stations with Covid and changing Covid rules. Cabin is not reserved. Land’s End AS will be pretty minimal. Most stuff will be at the Start/End AS. Seeking a third co-RD for Nighthawk. Shari and MaryAnn both work full time, really may need some additional help. Volunteer sign ups open Memorial Day weekend, through Ultra Signup Don’t try to stop car traffic on Marina Road during race. Just help runners cross.


PI DAY - Caroline Lori will be a co-RD for Pi Day. Haven't asked the city to reserve the trails just yet, seeing how Covid rules change. Have plans, but haven’t set anything up yet. But hope to have guidance and things starting to gel around the time of Nighthawk.


Financial update from Josh through Slack:

Swag, license to offer from vendors. Don’t need to make money off swag. Tighten up or define what we want for our logo, and what we want to have out there. Use “just in time” purchases. Being consistent with the logo, which one we use, what typeface we use, etc? Have stock stuff available all the time as members change, as fun momentary situations change (mustard issue, white trail support group) Cara has a group she was thinking of going through, will let Todd know who that is. Create a content calendar that is the hub of the communication center. Have social media, web site, etc coming off of that. Calendar: communication work session on June 5 from 1-3pm. Topic will just be communication strategies for the club and how to use different platforms, etc. Location TBD. Give Caroline Miley and her Etsy shop permission to use logo

NEXT MEETING - Wednesday, July 7, 2021 at 6 pm on Zoom

50K, 20 Mi & 10 Mi Night Trail Races

Hawks Ridgeline aid station Heartland100