Board Meeting Minutes, February 2020

Feb. 19, 2020 by Kylee "Copperhead Hawk" Sharp

Lawrence Public Library. In attendance: President Cara Combs, Vice President Dezert Abrams , Diana Skinner, Bill Loats, Tamara McEwen, Treasurer Josh McVey, Shari Hicks, John Knepper, Ami Weidler-Hyten, Kim Weidler, Megan Moriarty, Jeff Triplett, Gary Henry, Kylee Sharp

Cara called the meeting to order at 8:06 p.m.

South Shore Trails - Diana Skinner

Volunteer coordinator for South Shore Trails. From Kansas Trails Council. 68 miles of trails, from dam to end of Rock Creek arm of lake (6 miles beyond 458)! Needs hikers out there helping maintain trails. We have an opportunity to help out on the other side of the lake too. Most work is through Back Country Horseman, who gave grant for publishing maps and signs.

Potential for setting up a race on South Shore Trails? To introduce trails to the running community. Rock Haven Park has campground, showers, vault toilet, electricity, shelter house (Corps), 18 campsites with electrical hookups. Corps is looking at shutting down the campground (not the trails) unless they can get use up to 20% by 2021, because it costs too much to maintain, especially after the flooding.

Horses have the right of way, talk to them when you come across them.

Cara offered to get word out on social media about the trails and the need for trail maintenance, setting up some events out there like the Frozen Ass--would give trails usage, get people out there, be cognizant of other groups that also use the trails.

Looking for someone to lease the campground for $1.00 a year, and take over the maintenance (pay for electric, water, gas, mowing, clean toilets, etc). Contact Corps. Josh might know someone whose interested.

Work day on Feb. 29th at Rock Haven Park, 10:00am.

(North Shore Trail work on Feb. 22nd)

Financial Update - Josh

Total budget: $38,957.93. Not yet configured reports for operating budget yet--maybe by April. Taxes for last year are ready to go. We pay $500 to have our taxes done (we are just reporting the income). All revenue we make goes to sponsor our mission. We don’t make extra money that we pay taxes on.

Switching to using an account on Venmo. Have a prepaid Mastercard. Less risk against the checking account.


is all approved and ready to go. Sock order is in.

Nighthawk - Shari

Sign ups are up from last year. Shirts and hats are ordered.

Frozen Ass Recap - Cara

52 runners for a total of 748 miles, raised $185 for Kansas Trails Council. New RD’s Jordan and Todd. Lesson learned: shoes off before going into the cabin! Lots of new runners, ½ people knew and ½ did not. Lots of people ran through the night. Awards: most minutes on trail, most laps, best balls, best outfit/costume. Todd took notes on things to change for next year.

Pi Day - Megan

31 runners registered so far. Probably waiting to see what the weather is. 8 volunteers signed up so far. Lawrence Beer Co is donating beer for the end. Tailwind is also donating. Working on a couple other sponsors. Breaking news: Uplift Coffee company will be donating coffee. Have regular gloves this year, shirt design is final this year, working on cups. Parking in lot across from the Flamingo to help mitigate parking issues from last year. Will put up signs telling people where to park.

Need more volunteers.

Chiropractor from last year won’t be there. Happy Hawk Massage will be there this year.

Communications Update - Cara

Slack for board and RD communication.

Google Drive for document storage and usage.

Tamara: discussing next steps, growing newsletter, Slack, Instagram.

Website Update - Jeff

Board and RD’s need access to Google Drive. Ask Jeff if anyone needs anything.

Threadless Store - Cara

Print on demand company for Trail Hawk gear. Set up store, add designs, things get ordered and Trail Hawks get chunk of money back. Don’t have to worry about storing things. Should be set up by March meeting. Money is set up for donation.

Volunteer Update - Cara

Volunteer interest survey--keep it open and ongoing and keep track of what skills do people have, what are they interested in doing, etc. to match people with interests. Dezert - we need more people to volunteer. Tamara will keep it in the newsletter.

New Business

Next meeting is Tuesday, March 10th at 6:00 pm. Lawrence Public Library, Room B.

Cara can start reserving a conference room at her office and we can be more flexible with our meeting times. Free, good bathrooms, screens we can use. We’ll probably use it for the majority of the rest of the year.

Meeting adjourned at 8:56 p.m.

Jeff & Kelly Keele Farewell/John Knepper photos 6-21-17