Board Meeting Minutes, August 2019

Sept. 21, 2019 by Kara "Red Hawk" Baden

August 28, 2019 at Lawrence Beer Co. In attendance: Vice President Lisa Ball, President Cara Combs, Michael Smchitz, Bill Loats, Tamara McEwen, Mary Ann Frevert, Treasurer Josh McVey, Shari Hicks, John Knepper, Dezert Abrams, Ami

Cara called the meeting to order at 7:04 p.m.

Financial Update - Josh

Total budget: $51,200.65 Operation budget: $20,000 We are going to put money in the savings account. Money wise we are fabulous!

Birthday Run-Cara

We named nine Hawks that night. We had a good crew. It was hot day on the trails. We spent $200 on lights for swag. Lights are in the storage unit. $250 in donation for the trail council. Will combine with the Winter Fat Ass and will present at the Hawk. Ashley Shaw was an awesome help with the event.

Hawk Update - Ami

We have 57 hundred milers signed up. Both the marathon and 50 mile race are full. We have been doing on going work on the trails to get them in shape for the race We have approved 25 miles. We want to keep everything roughly the same. Aid stations will be in the same places. We will have significant signage out so that way we can keep people from getting lost. Adding a new sign for people to get their cup ready at the aid stations since we won’t have cups this year.

Tent Demonstration - Cara

We are meeting on Sunday with Gary Henry and David Simmons.

Shoreline Shuffle - Kara

We are a month away from the race. Jeff has put it on the website for us. 23 people signed up. $600 raised so far for the Lawrence Community Shelter. We have our water bottles orders. Matt is going to be gone for the race due to a work conflict. He has secured RunLawrence for our timing. Non trail hawks race. Tamara is going to help out. We are going to open volunteer registration.

Website Update - Jeff (via email)

Updated Hawk 100 website per Sherrie's changes (uploaded PDF brochure and updated ultrasignup, etc)

Updated Shoreline Shuffle race via Kara's changes

Added July minutes to website via Cara's request

Looked into a timeout issue on our website that was reported by Cara. Dynadot (where we renew our domain names) was being attacked (DDOS attack) and they were having random DNS issues. It's resolved now and we just had to wait it out sadly.

Pending: Moving and to a new server. Switch over to latest Django with the new logos and updated look.

Newsletter - Cara

The newsletter went out. We are 43% on opens and 10% of people clicking through. We aren’t having a lot of people unsubscribing.

New Business

Conversation on new stickers-Tamara Sticker mule is an option. We have gotten some requests in person and through online. We are going to look into several options.

We are going to have a rummage sale at the Hawk to get rid of all the old swag stuff.

Getting a space for all hands meeting-Bill.

Tabled half ass for next meeting.

Meeting adjourned at 7:55 p.m.

Inaugural Hawk Hundred 100-Mile Trail Run, Sept. 11-12, 2011, Clinton Lake North Shore Trails. Chris "Summit Hawk" Wristen photo.