Board Meeting Minutes, October 2019

Nov. 12, 2019 by Cara "Color Hawk" Combs

Lawrence Trail Hawks Board Meeting October 23,2019

In attendance: Mary Ann Frevert, Megan Moriarty, Jordan Shrack, Todd Chandler, Michael Miley, Treasurer Josh McVey, Vice President Lisa Ball, President Cara Combs and Secretary Kara Baden

Cara called the meeting to order at 7:01 p.m.

Financial Report-Josh: Total balance: $37,455.89

Operating budget: $25,000 We are converting to Quickbooks on Nov. 17 to help with taxes.

Shoreline Shuffle Report - Kara

The Lawrence Trail Hawks gave $1,055 to the Lawrence Community Shelter for registrations for Shoreline Shuffle. Successes: 42 people registered, liked the charity aspect for this race. New course was successful.

Sander’s Saunter Update-Megan: T-shirt design is final. Sherrie Klover and Megan will be looking to see if they need to reroute the course.

Trail maintenance-Cara

The first mile of blue cleaned up. The first mile of blue is solid to run on. Jim Day mention that Cactus Ridge is runnable. They want us to get out there and use the trails to make them better. Sanders is open though there is some tallgrass to run through.

Annual meeting - Cara

We will host it at the Train Depot on either Jan 11 or 25. Will post a poll on the Golden Hawks page to see which date gets the best response.

Howl, Prowl and Growl - Caroline

We had 20-30 people this year with a lot of new people. We tried it on a Saturday this year. Might do a poll in the future to see if there is a better night to do it.

Winter events

Frozen Ass in Jan. Half Ass in Feb. Potential call out for Winter Hawk. What is successful for getting people to run and getting volunteers.

Open discussion time on winter events: Traditionally there has been a Frozen Ass (fatass) in January and last year Mary Ann and Megan also hosted the Half Ass Run in February. There has been some talk amongst the LTH about a potential winter race. The group threw out the idea of 10 mile loop race by the cabins. Todd threw out the idea of a time limit race. In the end, the group thoughts maybe wait until the following year if we decide to have a race. Josh wants someone to take charge of it, establish a budget and own it. The group thought we should have a Bigger Frozen Ass race this year. We are looking at a poll for dates. Potential dates: Jan 4, Jan. 18, Feb. 8, Feb. 15. Cara would like the Bigger Fat Ass to collect donations for something.

Other business:

Cara-Circle stickers for the new trail hawk stickers. Mary Ann- Potential new supplies to get a speaker and/or yeti coolers.

Cara adjourned meeting at 7:59 p.m.


SNAKE 10-Mile Trail Race 2017 -- John Knepper photo

50K, 20 Mi & 10 Mi Night Trail Races

HAWK 100 & 50 Mi

Lawrence Trail Hawks Frozen Fat Ass Run, Jan. 6, 2018