Board Meeting Minutes July, 2018

Aug. 13, 2018 by Kara "Red Hawk" Baden

July 17, 2018 at the Lawrence Public Library

Cara Combs called the meeting to order at 7:03 p.m.

Financial Report-Josh McVey

Total budget: $29,780.07 Operating budget: $7,000 Night Hawk: $4,000 made Snake: $1,400 made Skyline: $600 Pi Day: Break even Hawk: $13,000

Josh hired a CPA firm to file the 2018 tax form for the Hawk. It costs $500 for them to fill out this 50 page form.

Night Hawk Report-Cara

Potentially looking at a staggered start for future races. They had issues getting volunteers.

Defeet Cancer-Cara

$5,855 raised for the charity trail fatass. Cara suggested having a better communication thread for next year with Danny.

Snake Report-Tesa Green

60 runners participated this year. Show Me Timing did it for free, but we paid them $200 for their time. Next time they plan not to have masters awards. Tesa was able to get enough volunteers for the race. Lisa Ball suggested that we looking into a snake program for kids with park rangers.

Birthday Run-Cara

Cowbells will be here soon. Working on promotion for the Birthday Run through social media.

Hawk Update-Ami Weidler-Hyten

Seven people away from selling out of the 50 miler. Our permit is for 300 runners. All races have staggered start times. We have 193 total entries so far. Last year we had 201 finishers. 44 signed up for the 100 miler, 93 for the 50 miler, 56 for the marathon. Berry’s Arctic Ice will bring us an ice truck. Be on the lookout for the Orange Mud Podcast. Sherrie and Ami are looking at adding a co director for volunteer coordination. Henry Klover will be it this year. He will be rotating through aid station for volunteer coordination. Josh suggested thinking about looking into more parking for participants.

Shoreline Shuffle Update-Kara Protasio

No sign ups so far, waiting to promote race until after snake was over. Created a facebook ad for the race. No swag this time. Matt is working on medals and finisher awards.

Volunteer Shirts-Cara and Lisa

Cara and Lisa started coming up with concepts for a volunteer shirt. Cara is going to look into more ideas. The shirts will be used for every race except the Hawk. Also looking into individual patches with Hawk names. Jeff Tripplett was going to send some information on that.

Adopt a Highway-Cara

Lori Moriarity might be interested in leading it. Lisa suggested we have an age limit on who can help with clean up. Kara suggested Sunday afternoons for clean up times.

New Equipment-Cara

Ice scoops. Maybe looking into PA sounds system and generator.

Next meetings:

Aug. 15 7-9 p.m. at Lawrence Public Library Sept 17 7-9 p.m. at Lawrence Public Library

Kansas Ultrarunners Society Rockin' K 50-Mile & Marathon Trail Runs 2010 Photo by Ricki Mayo

Hawk aid station at 2017 Heartland 50

Hawks Ridgeline aid station Heartland100

Trail Hawks Ridgeline aid station at Heartland100, 2018