Board Meeting Minutes April, 2017

April 12, 2017 by Kara "Red Hawk" Baden

Minutes of April Trail Hawk Board Meeting

The Lawrence Trail Hawks Board of Directors held its monthly meeting April 11, at Josh McVey’s house. Attending: Matt O’Reilly, President, Benita Jones, Vice President; Josh McVey, Treasurer; Kara Protasio, Secretary; Caroline Wroczynski, Membership Chair; and Jeff Triplett, Webmaster. Matt called the meeting to order at 7:10 p.m.

Josh’s Treasury Report: As of 4/8/17 The total balance of the Trail Hawks budget is $11,532. What we currently have for an operation budget is $1,974.34. We spent $2,695 on club t-shirts. We need to sell our shirts to make more revenue.

With the club’s Cabela’s $500 donation, Josh three tables, four water jugs and four replacement spigots for new equipment for the Trail Hawks. He spent $384.83.

Josh also discussed that we don’t have the funds right now for CPR training. He suggested that in 2018 the Trail Hawks offer scholarships for race directors to sign up for CPR training. Caroline says will look into a company that offers affordable training.

Cara Combs and Sara Morris have agreed to be our new Quartermasters. They are working on developing a plan for the storage unit and will have a system in place by the end of May for the upcoming summer and fall races.

Jeff informed the board that we need to have a conflict of interest in place, which is required by law for non-profits. He suggested that we create a Google Doc. Once we create one for the Trail Hawks, board members will sign and file it. He suggested we have Ami Weidler-Hyten look it over before filling.

Jeff then went on to talk about our bylaws. Jeff also discussed that we don’t track our new policies. He plans to start a Google Doc that we can add all policies to it. According to our bylaws:

Parliamentary procedure will be carried on at meetings, and every effort will be made to discuss any measures coming before the group. A majority vote of the members present is necessary to pass ordinary measures. All measures shall be deemed ordinary except those proposing a constitutional amendment. A quorum shall consist of twice the number of elected officers plus one. No official meeting shall be held unless a quorum is present. We need at least 9 people. Bylaws amendment A bylaw amendment may be accomplished by a two-thirds vote of the members present at the meeting. Only those who have been members of this organization for 30 days prior to the proposal of such an amendment may vote upon such. All members must be notified at least 7 days prior to voting that bylaw amendments will be discussed and voted on. Meetings will be held at least once each year and more often if called by the president.

Caroline has next year’s Pi Day date. It will be March 10. She says next year we will have to look into a permit from police for no parking signs on Oak St.

With no further business, Matt adjourned the meeting.

50K-plus finishers - Paul Schoenlaub, Deb "Kettle Hawk" Johnson, Stu "Ozark Trail Hawk" Johnson.

Wed. Night Run 7-8-09

Sanders' Saunter 10K Trail Run, Sat. Nov. 19, 2011, North Shore Trails, Clinton Lake. Brad Trimble photo