Proceedings of Lawrence Trail Hawks board meeting 11-2015

Nov. 11, 2015 by Gary "Story Hawk" Henry

The Lawrence Trail Hawks Board of Directors held their monthly meeting Nov. 10, 2015, 6 pm, at the Lawrence Public Library. Present were Bill Loats, president; Sherrie Klover, vice president; Justin Douglas, treasurer; Gary Henry, secretary; Jeff Triplet, webmaster; Josh McVey, Skyline Shuffle RD; Nick Combs, Sanders Saunter co-RD. Membership Director Caroline Wroczynski was unable to attend.

Treasurer’s reportJustin reports the current balance at Truity Credit Union at about $12,000, though much of this sum is obligated for various race expenses and projects such as club t-shirts. Because of the club’s growning financials, the board agreed to look into possibly purchasing an electronic record-keeping system such as QuickBooks, though continuing and expanding Excel is also a possibility. Justin notified the board he intends to step down from the Treasurer position at the end of his current term, Jan. 2016. He volunteered to remain on-hand for pass-down with the new treasurer.

Old business

a. Bill and Justin reported that pricing and selection of finish line flags and a larger storage unit are still in progress. The board requested that Gary ask the Ad Astra owners where they got their flags.

b. Gary presented the draft trifold (attached), which was approved pending minor tweaks. Next step is to price 1500 copies via printer’s agent Carolee Meseraull, who has handled previous printings of the brochure.

c. Sherrie reported that club t-shirts are ordered and should be ready in time for Sanders Saunter. The shirts will be stored in the Klover’s climate-controlled basement, and will be available by mail through purchase, and at events. Price is $10/members, $15/non-members, whether by mail or at events.

New business

a. Jeff reports that the 2016 race/event schedule is posted at

b. Gary reports that the space for the Hawks’ annual all-hands meeting is reserved at the Lawrence Community Building, 115, W. 11th St., in the same downstairs room as last year. The space is reserved from 6 pm to 10 pm, Saturday, Jan. 23. The meeting is set for 6:30-9:30, with setup 6-6:30, and clean-up 9:30-10.

c. Josh reports that the Skyline Shuffle 5K course will replace the Shoreline Shuffle 5K for 2016 and the foreseeable future. Reasons cited include availability of the course even during muddy trail conditions, its varied terrain, scenic value, and nearby restroom and shower facilities.

d. Sherrie and Nick report they are considering adding a 50K race to the 2016 Sanders Saunter line-up.

2016 Elections

a. Elections for the 2016 Trail Hawks board of directors is set for the annual meeting, Jan. 23. All members are encouraged to consider throwing their hats in the ring for positions on the board, to help the club continue to grow and thrive.

b. With the exception of Justin, all current board members have expressed willingness to continue in their positions, though that shouldn’t stop members from tossing their hats in the ring, if interested. All positions are open. Josh McVey has tossed his hat in the ring for the Treasurer position, since he has experience with spreadsheets and electronic record-keeping.

c. Membership director and webmaster are appointed by the president.

With all business concluded, the meeting adjourned at about 7:25 pm.

Hawk 50-Mile & Marathon Trail Runs

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