Lawrence Trail Hawks Annual Members Meeting

Jan. 26, 2015 by Gary "Story Hawk" Henry

FROM: Gary Henry, Secretary

TO: Lawrence Trail Hawks

VIA: Board of Directors

SUBJ: Minutes of Lawrence Trail Hawks Annual All Hands Members Meeting

About 40 Trail Hawks and guests gathered at the Lawrence Community Building, Saturday, Jan. 24, for the 6th annual All-Hands Members Meeting, scheduled for 6-9 pm. Members provided a potluck buffet with beer.

All board members were present, except for Justin Douglas, Treasurer, who provided the club financials to be delivered in his absence by the club secretary.

Vice President Bill Loats called the meeting to order about 6:30 p.m.

President Sherrie Klover gave a brief report on the state of the club. She stated that although the club is growing in all respects, from race attendance to membership, its essential character of camaraderie and support for individual members continues healthy.

Secretary Gary Henry, reporting for the treasurer, stated that the year’s income exceeded the year’s expenses by $139.43. Current bank balance is $6,378.20, compared to $6,238.77.

Membership Director Caroline Wroczynski reported that the Hawks currently have 139 dues-paying members. She distributed the membership list and a bar-graph chart showing memberships paid by month for 2014. Caroline will send membership reminders every 3 months from her email address. Caroline also said she would investigate getting the club’s family-dues option posted on If you are doing a family membership, please send Caroline all the names and info on your family members who are joining, so she can include them in membership rolls.

Webmaster Jeff Triplett reported that the website appearance has been updated, and invited all members to visit and comment.

Club RDs reported on the 2014 events and spoke about plans for 2015.

a. Pi Day – Caroline Wroczynski reported last year’s Pi Day Half Marathon had more than 80 runners, and the Pi-Miler about 50. The 2015 event, which will fall on Pi Day, 3-14, already has 36 half-mary sign-ups and nine in the Pi-Miler. Bobbi Aschwanden’s Celestial Bakery is set to sponsor the event again this year with homemade pies.

b. Shoreline Shuffle – Last year’s RD, Carl Cleveland wasn’t available to give a report, but the 2015 RDs, Matt O’Reilly and Josh McVey, said that this year’s race is budgeted for about 70 runners, and swag will include a mug with a new logo.

c. Iron Man – Gary Henry reported that 2014’s Iron Man volunteers garnered $750 for the club from the Iron Man foundation -- $500 for staffing the run aid station, and $250 for “Cleanest Aid Station.” Event management has changed for 2015, and it’s unknown if the volunteer/donation arrangement will be in effect for 2015.

d. Birthday Run – Gary Henry reported that 2014’s inaugural birthday run was a success, with 49 Hawks and invited guests recording in the “Birthday Book of Honor” one or more 4.75-mile laps on the trails at Clinton Lake in August. The event, free to dues-paying Hawks and invited guests, is planned for this year as well.

e. The Hawk – RD Danny Miller reported that the Hawk races have improved every year, largely due to the efforts of volunteers, and though he and Co-RD Coleen Voecks are turning the reins over to Sherrie Klover and Justin Douglas, he expects that trend will continue. He recalled some of the highlights and challenges of 2014, including the runner who fell asleep in his car for eight hours, while race officials worried, not knowing where he was. Sherrie mentioned that this year’s race will feature chip-timing, and that expenses will include a re-order of 100-mile belt buckles – also that aid station captains include Jim and Deb Megerson at West Park Road again for 2015, Gary Henry at Lands End, and charitable organization Team Red White & Blue at the start-finish.

f. Halloween Prowl N Growl – Caroline Wroczynski reported that the free event is on again for 2015, though not yet scheduled, and will include the traditional costume contest.

g. Sanders Saunter – Sherrie Klover reported 139 runners combined in the 10k and 25K to raise money for the Birdsong Family, to help them cope with expenses stemming their child’s cancer. She noted that a $1,000 sponsorship donation from her husband Henry’s firm, Klover Architects, helped defray race expenses, so that the race could offer shirts for the first time ever, while still making a healthy donation to the Birdsongs. The 2015 race is planned to feature chip timing and porta-potties. Sherrie is also considering a 50K. The 2015 race will benefit Team Red White & Blue, a charitable organization which helps veterans returning from active duty to readjust to civilian life by offering healthy recreational activities.

General Discussion -- Following the Event Reports, V.P. Bill Loats opened the floor for general discussion. Lisa Ball requested an update on her Trail Hawks car magnet proposal from earlier this year. The membership approved it for action. Mike Miley proposed a dues increase from the current $15 to $30. After vigorous discussion, the membership voted on an increase to $20 individual, and from $25 to $30 for families, effective May 1. The option of lifetime memberships was also raised, and the board agreed to consider it. Gary Henry’s bandanna idea – colored bandannas to be awarded for each Hawk race distance finished, mirroring martial arts belt colors – was approved for further investigation, including how much they’ll cost and how to pay or them.

Elections – Membership Director Caroline Wroczynski called for votes on electing Bill Loats as President, Sherrie Klover as V.P., and re-electing Justin Douglas Treasurer and Gary Henry Secretary. The membership approved the slate, and the Secretary administered the oath of office to the new president and V.P., who consecrated the oath with swigs of beer, and were confirmed by the membership shouting “Imperious Rex.”

With no further business to be conducted, Sherrie Klover, V.P., adjourned the meeting.

Respectfully submitted,

Gary Henry Secretary

Shoreline Shuffle 5K Trail 2009

RRCA Coaching Certification Class, Lawrence