Proceedings of Lawrence Trail Hawks board meeting 2-2014

June 10, 2014 by Gary "Story Hawk" Henry

June 2, 2014

From: Gary Henry, Secretary

To: Lawrence Trail Hawks membership

Via: Lawrence Trail Hawks Board of Directors

Subj: Proceedings of Lawrence Trail Hawks board meeting 2-2014

The Lawrence Trail Hawks board of directors conducted their second meeting of 2014 on June 1, 2014, at Johnny’s Tavern in North Lawrence, convening at 6 p.m. The meeting was called to order by President Sherrie Klover. Voting members present, in addition to the president: Vice President Bill Loats; Treasurer Justin Douglas; Secretary Gary Henry. Also attending: Non-voting board members Membership Director Caroline Wroczynski and Webmaster Jeff Triplett.

Agenda items:

Treasurer report Membership report Iron Man aid station report Website update


Treasurer’s Report

a. Justin Douglas reported the Trail Hawks balance at $3,882.28 as of June 1.

b. There is one outstanding check for $24.79 to Anderson Rentals for Shoreline Shuffle porta-potties.

c. Justin is investigating an unexpected $220.97 charge from Sport Science for expedited shipping of Shoreline Shuffle t-shirts.

d. Pi Day brought in approximately $450.

e. Shoreline Shuffle outcome isn’t clear until the shipping charge issue is resolved, but it either made about $125 or at least came close to breaking even.

f. Justin is still unable to itemize revenue from, as only race directors/membership director get the monthly reports. The tactic of signing up Justin as a co-RD for each race did not work. Gary, who has worked with Mark Gilligan at, is looking into get this resolved so Justin can better track where our money is coming from.

Membership Report

a. Membership Director Caroline Wroczynski reported that we have 96 dues- paying members as of June 1.

b. Many Hawks are taking advantage of the new $25 Family Membership, but need to report who the family members are when they sign up, in order for those members to get benefits, such as discounts at Garry Gribbles.

Iron Man aid station

The Iron Man aid station team reached full strength of 25 volunteers May 31. Kudos to all who volunteered. Their work at Run Aid Station 5, where the Hawks have been since 2010, qualify the Trail Hawks for a $500 donation from the Iron Man Foundation. Two more have volunteered since May 31, though they haven’t yet officially registered.

Website update

Webmaster Jeff Triplett reports that work is nearly finished on a new, more functional website, which is set to be unveiled this summer.

Policy update

Sherrie will follow up on the board’s vote at the last meeting to set meetings with RDs about 90 days before their events, to apprise the board of tentative plans and budgets, and follow-up at least 30 days after the event. Bill Loats suggested this policy be documented, and Gary is looking into a by-laws amendment or some other written policy.


a. Bobbi “Celestial Hawk” Aschwanden has volunteered for the Iron Man aid station every year, and in addition, brings her professionally baked treats for the volunteers at her own expense. The board unanimously voted to reimburse her for her expenses this year. In addition, it was noted that Bobbi provided the Pi Day pies at her own expense.

b. The board unanimously voted to provide Trail Hawk bandannas for the Iron Man volunteers.

c. The board unanimously voted to provide $50 for aid-station food at the June 8 Birthday Fat Ass run at Clinton Lake in addition to potluck snacks provided by members.

d. The board unanimously voted to fund a new Lawrence Trail Hawks informational trifold, to hand out to prospective members, and place at Garry Gribbles and other locations. First new trifold in three years. Gary (not Garry) will create a draft for board review, and will seek pricing.

Having concluded all scheduled business, the board adjourned.

Respectfully Submitted,

Gary Henry Secretary

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