Proceedings of Lawrence Trail Hawks board meeting 1-2014

April 15, 2014 by Gary "Story Hawk" Henry

Originally published on April 15, 2014

April 14, 2014

From: Gary Henry, Secretary To: Lawrence Trail Hawks membership Via: Lawrence Trail Hawks Board of Directors Subj: Proceedings of Lawrence Trail Hawks board meeting 1-2014

The Lawrence Trail Hawks board of directors conducted their first meeting of 2014 on April 13, 2014, at the 23rd Street Brew Pub in Lawrence, convening at 6 p.m. The meeting was called to order by President Sherrie Klover. Voting members present, in addition to the president: Vice President Bill Loats; Treasurer Justin Douglas; Secretary Gary Henry. Also attending: Non-voting board members Membership Director Caroline Wroczynski and Webmaster Jeff Triplett. Immediate Past President Justin Henning also attended, to cast a vote in case of deadlock.

Agenda items:

Treasurer report Pi day update and outcome Possible new club t-shirt – budget and logo Communication – FB page/group, Website -

Treasurer’s Report

a. Justin Douglas reported the Trail Hawks balance at $1,697.90 as of April 1. Balance does not include proceeds from the Pi Day race.

b. Justin is working on resolving a discrepancy in billing with Sport Science over an unidentified charge of $2,915.05. Sport Science has not yet indicated what the charge is for. Justin believes it’s a double-billing error, since as far as he knows, the Trail Hawks account with Sport Science is paid up.

c. Justin identified the following monthly expenses:

$71 for storage $12 for web-hosting

Pi Day update and outcome

a. Race Director Caroline Wroczynski reported that 79 runners signed up for the half marathon, and 49 for the 5k.

b. New expenses for 2014 included the city raising its usage fee from $35 (last year) to $150; $300 for professional photography, $94.60 for van rental for hauling equipment, and $27.30 for gas. Caroline still expects to show a profit when she reconciles expenses and revenues with Justin.

c. Pi Day 2015 is planned for Saturday, March 14.

Possible new club t-shirt – budget and logo

The board plans to purchase Trail Hawks tech shirts and sell them at events. Sherrie volunteered to investigate vendors and pricing. Decisions on colors, logos and quantities are deferred until that information is available. Shirts will be available in women’s cuts.

Communication – FB page/group, Website

Jeff Triplett reported that because of Facebook changes, the club has ended up with both a Facebook page and a Facebook group. Although the club would prefer to have one or the other for a central information source, it would not be practical to disestablish either at this point. The club will continue to post information on both, and on


a. The board voted unanimously to purchase Trail Hawks t-shirts for sales at event.

b. The board unanimously voted to have a mandatory meeting with each race director at least 90 days before races, in which the race directors will present their rough plans and budgets to the board for their races. This measure was passed with the understanding that RDs are not to be micro- managed, and that races are fluid events.

c. The board unanimously voted to have RDs create a co-race director account on for voting board members on each of their races, to enable them to distinguish which revenues from come from which race. Currently, the treasurer can’t tell, which makes accounting difficult.

Having concluded all scheduled business, the board adjourned.

Respectfully Submitted,

Gary Henry Secretary

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finish line