Lawrence Trail Hawks Annual Members Meeting

Feb. 6, 2014 by Colinda "Cat Hawk" Thompson-Warner

Location: Frank’s North Star Tavern

Date: 1/25/2014

State of the Club: Justin Henning called the meeting to order and discussed the group’s accomplishments in 2013. Everyone present for the meeting introduced themselves and stated what they had accomplished in 2013. Carl Cleveland was presented with a unique Lawrence Trail Hawks shirt for taking over as the new Race Director for the Shoreline Shuffle. The outgoing Board members (Nicole Green, Justin Henning, Colinda Thompson, and Chris Wristen) were presented with unique Lawrence Trail Hawks hooded sweatshirts with their Hawk names, Board positions, and years they served listed on the sleeves.

State of the Financials: Justin Douglas shared the summary of finances, summary of expenses broken down by event, and the summary of club costs with the membership. He handed out the Treasurer’s Report to all those present at the meeting.

State of the Membership: Caroline Wroczynski stated we currently have 99 paid members. She said she sends out emails to those due for renewal each month. If a member does not receive an email from her, they may need to check their “junk email” folder (to make sure it’s now showing as spam) or get in touch with her to make sure she has their correct email address. The paid members continue to receive discounts at Garry Gribbles Running Sports and a few other locations.

Website Update: Jeff Triplett discussed his progress on updating our website. He changed our website host last week. He said the Trail Hawks are also looking into chip timing ideas/solutions for future races.

2013 Race Updates:

Caroline W. stated the Pi Day race had 82 people in the half-marathon and 30 for the Pi Miler (5K). Bobbi Aschwanden with Celestial Bakery donated pies to the race and will do so again this year.

Carl Cleveland discussed the Shoreline Shuffle. He took it over this year from Karen Collier. It was moved from the original date in May to September due to inclement weather. He enjoyed the RD position and plans to do it again in 2014.

Danny Miller spoke about the Hawk Hundred. He was Co-Race Director with Coleen Voeks. This was the 3rd year it was held. There were approximately 25 hundred-mile runners, 40 fifty-mile runners, and 40 marathon runners. There was an article about last year’s race in the Ultrarunner magazine.

Caroline spoke about the Halloween Howl, Prowl and Growl fun run. Gary Henry won for best costume as “Yer Muder.” The weather and date change may have negatively affected attendance but it was still a great night.

Sherrie Klover stated that The Sander’s Saunter race raised approximately $1600 for Loving Paws with 94 registered runners.

Open Board Positions:

The group had discussion and nominations for the open board positions. The following were elected and sworn in on the Board for 2014.

President: Sherrie Klover was nominated by Gary Henry and seconded by Justin Henning and Justin Douglas.

Vice-President: Bill Loats was nominated by Caroline W. and seconded by Karen Henry.

Secretary: Gary Henry was nominated by Justin Henning and seconded by Colinda Thompson.

Treasurer: Justin Douglas was nominated by Gary Henry and seconded by Chris Wristen.

Justin Henning, the past President, will remain a voting position (as tie breaker) when needed.

Chris Wristen is stepping down as Social Media position. Larry Long and Lauren Link both previously expressed interest in a position, and both were appointed by the President and Board for the Social Media position. They will share the responsibilities.

2014 Races:

Coleen’s Frozen Fat Ass – A date has not been set for this fun run this year. Hopefully, the Sweaty Ass run will still be held in July.

Pi Day Rotation / Pi Miler – Caroline W. stated it is set for 3/16/2014. She is working on new finisher awards for this year. She hopes for 84 runners for the half marathon and she wants to increase the number of runners in the Pi Miler (which is actually a 5K race). She has fliers and brochures for the 2014 race, and 2013 race shirts for sale today at the meeting. Packet pickup will be at Garry Gribbles.

Halloween Howl, Prowl and Growl – Caroline W. said this is tentatively set for 10/17/2014. It will be a potluck and fun run as usual.

Shoreline Shuffle – Carl Cleveland stated the tentative date is set for 5/4/2013. He will email the Board with more information.

Hawk 100/50/26.2 – Danny Miller stated this race is set for 9/13/2014 and 9/14/2014 weekend. He said that they have placed an advertisement in the Ultrarunning magazine. He needs three volunteers for Aid Station Captains and a clean-up volunteer. There will be numerous other volunteer spots open but those are the four critical ones that he needs. Danny stated that 2016 will be his last year as a Race Director.

Sanders Saunter – Sherrie Klover said this race is tentatively set for 11/22/2014 but it may be moved up one week. She may add an option for either a 25K or a half-marathon distance in addition to the 10K race distance. She is still considering which charity to pick for this race.

Weekly Runs:

The weekly runs are listed on the Lawrence Trail Hawks’ website and any updates (due to weather, etc) are posted on the Facebook page and yahoo group email list. Justin Henning asked if there is any interest in a co-leader with Sarah Henning for Thursday nights’ Gal Gallop runs. Nicole Green and Colinda Thompson both stated they will help Sarah Henning with co-leadership for the runs.

Mary Ann Frevert stated that she has been meeting with a group of runners that also run on Saturday mornings. They email on Facebook to arrange the runs. Gary Henry suggested that they can post information (location/time) on the Trail Hawks’ Facebook page or yahoo group email list if they are having runs each week.

Sherrie Klover mentioned they have weekend runs in Kansas City and asked if there is any interest in those runs being posted on the Trail Hawks Facebook page or yahoo group email list. The members agreed that there is a lot of interest in knowing about any Trail Hawks runs (formal or informal) in the Lawrence/KC area since we have members from both areas who would like to run in different or new locations.

Lauren Link discussed that she has her days off and she is interested in daytime runs. If anyone is interested, they should contact her on the Trail Hawks’ Facebook page or by email.

New Business: Justin Douglas and Caroline W. discussed that the Board will order different sizes and types of shirts and sell them at upcoming races and events. Justin Douglas stated that we now have the Square reader as an alternate method for payments. There was no other new business.

Colinda Thompson moved to adjourn the meeting. Caroline seconded and the meeting was adjourned.

Minutes recorded by: Colinda Thompson, Lawrence Trail Hawks Secretary

finish line

finish line

SNAKE 10 Mile Trail Race 2018