9 Miles at Night

Sept. 16, 2013 by Jeff "Beatnick Hawk" Triplett

9 Miles at Night is a distinctive and fun race for both serious runners and families desiring a unique adventure. It takes place along the Kansas River Trail, a very scenic and mostly smooth off-road trail loop through the woods, bordered by the Kansas River on one side and the levee on the other. The out and back sections of the trail are often close to one another. It is the perfect night adventure run and provides only a minor technical challenge and a little climbing. The well-worn trail is a long and skinny loop with mostly a sandy tread. The long course is 8.8 miles and the short course will be 3 miles.

Registration forms are available at Bishop Seabury Academy, Garry Gribbles Running Sports, Francis Sporting Goods and Sunflower Outdoor & Bike Shop. An online version is also available at http://seaburyacademy.org.

Sponsored by Bishop Seabury Academy

Date: Saturday, September 28

Rain Date: Sunday, September 29

Time: 7:00 P.M.

Race packets and t-shirts may be picked up on Friday, 9/27 at Bishop Seabury Academy until 4:00 P.M. or at the race start at 6:00 P.M. on 9/28 Entry Fee: $25.00 All proceeds go to support Seabury Athletic Programs

Contact: Cris Bryan at 785-832-1717 or at [email protected]

2015 HAWK 100, 50, 26.2 photo by Mile 90 Photography

50K, 20 Mi & 10 Mi Night Trail Races

Sanders' Saunter 10K Trail Run, Sat. Nov. 19, 2011, North Shore Trails, Clinton Lake. Brad Trimble photo