Lawrence Trail Hawks Annual Members Meeting

Jan. 28, 2013 by Colinda "Cat Hawk" Thompson-Warner

Date: 1/12/2013

Attending: Board and Race Directors - Justin H., Justin D., Caroline W., Jeff T., Nicole G., Chris W., Gary H., Coleen V., Danny M., Karen C, Colinda T.; and Trail Hawks general members

State of the Lawrence Trail Hawks Justin H. called the meeting to order and summarized several of our members accomplishments and our weekly runs and activities. We have 2 new runs: the 8 a.m. Sunday morning campus hill run led by Sarah Henning, and the 2 p.m. Sunday River Trail run led by Beth Morford. We currently have 105 active paid members.

State of Financials Justin D. summarized the revenues and expenses for the club. He discussed that the Hawks purchased a storage unit last year, our RRCA dues were increased due to an increase in our liability insurance and our volunteer medical liability insurance. Justin D. handed out a 2012 Calendar Year Finance report for our club.

State of Membership Caroline reported that she sends out an email to all members the month that their yearly membership dues are due. She added that if a member doesn’t receive an email from her it could be going to their spam folder, and the member should let her know. She also sends out an updated membership list to everyone about once a month. She asked that someone email her whenever a new member is given a Hawk Name so she can list it on the membership list.

Elections Justin H. opened the floor for nominations for the Executive Board. Gary Henry nominated the four current board members. Kris Adair seconded the nomination. There were no other nominations. Gary moved to have all four voted on at once. Caroline seconded the motion. The membership voted and approved both motions on the floor. The 2013 Executive Board (voting) members are as follows: Justin Henning - President, Nicole Green - Vice President, Justin Douglas - Treasurer, Colinda Thompson - Secretary. In addition, Coleen Voeks is still the Past President and voting tiebreaker (when needed).

Appointed Positions Justin H. discussed the appointed, non-voting positions. The current ones are retained for another year: Jeff Triplett - Web Master, Chris Wristen - Social Media Director, Caroline Wroczynski - Membership Director, Gary Henry - PR Director (aka: Goodwill Ambassador, Promotions, Hawk Namer).

Chris W. said that he may want to run some Hawk races this year, and when he does, he will not be able to take the race photos. Whenever that happens, the Board may ask Brad Trimble to be our “back-up” race photographer.

A new non-voting position was discussed. Gary H. stated that Sherrie Klover has expressed interest in being on the Board in the past. She is not at the meeting today, so it was discussed that she will be asked to be our Volunteer Coordinator (as needed by the Race Directors), our Special Operations coordinator (i.e. She will be asked to help with orders for club t-shirts, bandanas, and other clothing items); and our Social Planner (with the assistance from Nicole Green and Colinda Thompson, when needed).

Trail Hawk Races 1. The first organized “race” was Coleen’s Frozen Fat Ass Run on January 5, 2013. Coleen discussed that we raised approximately $227 for a donation towards two recycled benches for the Prairie Park Center.

On March 10, 2013, Caroline will be the RD for the Pi Day Race. She stated that she has four volunteer Pie Bakers. She is adding a 5k to the race. It will start at 8 a.m. The half marathon will begin at 9 a.m. She will try to get a sponsor for the race. She will be looking for volunteers from the Trail Hawks and also may contact some KU student organizations like she did last year. She will have a meeting with the Board on January 27, 2013 (location to be determined) to discuss the Pi Day race planning.

Karen Collier discussed the Shoreline Shuffle Race set for May 4, 2013. She has picked a Star Wars Theme. She has a possible graphic designer lined up for the t-shirt logo. She said costumes will be encouraged. She may have a sponsor. She will schedule a race planning meeting with the Board after the Pi Day race is finished to discuss race details.

Coleen stated that the Sweaty Ass Run at the Prairie Park Center will be in late July or early August. She will set the date later when she knows her schedule.

Danny discussed that the Hawk Marathon, 50 mile, and 100 Mile Trail Race is scheduled for September 14, 2013. At the meeting, he stated that he will announce his Co-Race Director later this next week (He did later announce that Coleen will be his Co-RD again this year). Danny will put several ads in the Ultra Running Magazine, if the Board is okay with this. The board agreed. He has two entrants for the 100 miler already. He will contact the Board as needed regarding planning for the Hawk race.

Caroline stated that the Halloween Run and Potluck will be October 18, 2013. She will contact the Board with details later in the year.

The Sanders Saunter is scheduled for November 23, 2013. Sherrie Klover has already stated that she would like to be the Race Director again and will pick a charity later. This race is our yearly donation race. Last year $1800 was raised and donated to the Lawrence Humane Society.

New Business 1. The definition of a family membership was determined to be “whomever is in your household” (i.e. and living under the same roof). Individual membership is $15.00. Family membership is $25.00. It was discussed that we need to have membership forms at the race events.

Justin H. discussed that he will not always be able to lead the Monday night River Trail runs. He stated that Stephen and Trish Petryszyn have volunteered to cover it.

Gary Henry and Coleen discussed awarding bandanas to members that complete certain trail distances for the first time. After group discussion, it was determined that bandanas will be given at the races possibly at the finish lane. The Trail Hawks will buy the bandanas in bulk (this will not come out of the individual race budget) with a logo that represents the Trail Hawks. The colors will be determined at the next meeting. It was also discussed that the Hawks may give a Hawk Slam award of some type for every runner that completes or volunteers at every one of the Hawk events in a single year. The Prizes will be discussed at the next board meeting. Colinda T. suggested Arm Warmers/Sleeves with the Lawrence Trail Hawks logo.

The Board gave the remaining two Race Directors (Karen C. and Caroline W.) their Hawk Sweatshirts as a thank you for being a Race Director.

Caroline discussed that the company Atayne (who makes shirts out of recycled materials) wants to work with us for one option for club t-shirts. The club will get a percentage of the cost. There are color options and short sleeve, long sleeve, and singlet shirts available. Caroline will send out an email to the membership after it’s set up. She is still looking at ordering shirts with another company also (a bulk order, possibly twice a year). She will work with Sherrie Klover on this issue, if Sherri accepts the “Special Operations” position.

Colinda, Nicole, and Justin D. discussed the idea of having regular and more frequent social activities this year. For example: 1st Monday of the month and/or 3rd Thursday of the month, the runners can go for dinner/drinks after a run. This could be decided by the run leader. Also, we’d like to see some social functions that are on a weekend or other night (not just after a run). Sherrie Klover will be asked to assist in setting up some social activities.

Coleen mentioned that she would like to see more activity on the Facebook page from the board and members.

Awards The Lawrence Trail Hawks awarded the “Member of the Year” award to Sherrie Klover - In recognition of her mighty spirit, unflagging enthusiasm, and selfless devotion to the Lawrence Trail Hawks and the trails we all run on, demonstrated in outstanding fashion through her service as Race Director for the 2012 Sanders Saunter 10k, in which she led the club to raise $1,830 for the Lawrence Humane Society; her willingness to devote time and effort toward helping other members meet their training goals; and her own achievements which include a sub-22-hour finish in the 2012 Hawk Hundred. She was not present but will be given her certificate at a later date.

This is the last year that the Board will give an official Member of the Year award. The board will now start giving “The Hawkies” to members for recognition of their hard work, extraordinary talents, and volunteerism for the Lawrence Trail Hawk organization. The first “Hawkies” in 2013 were awarded at today’s meeting to the following:

Caroline Wroczynski was awarded the “Ermahgerd” Hawkie - In recognition of her unprecedented and amazing track record of collecting dues, honchoing the Halloween Run and Race Directing the Lawrence Trail Hawks Pi Day River Rotation Half Marathon Trail Run.

Chris Wristed was awarded the “Camera Sutra” Hawkie - In recognition of valorous achievement in the photo-documentation of Lawrence Trail Hawks and Lawrence Trail Hawks events.

Jeff Triplett was awarded the “Spic n’ Span” Hawkie - In recognition of his heroic achievements in making the Lawrence Trail Hawks website better every time he works on it.

The meeting was adjourned.

Minutes recorded by:

Colinda Thompson, Secretary.

Hawk Hundred 100/50/26.2 - 2012

Trail Hawks Ridgeline aid station at Heartland100, 2018

SNAKE 10 Mile Trail Race 2018

SNAKE 10 Mile Trail Race 2018

HAWK 2016 Orientation and Pre-Race Dinner

finish line