Hawk board meeting 10-04-2012

Oct. 11, 2012 by Colinda "Cat Hawk" Thompson-Warner

** Date:** 10/4/2012

Attending: Danny Miller, Coleen Voeks, Nicole Green, Justin Henning, Justin Douglas, Gary Henry, Chris Wristen, Sherrie Klover, Colinda Thompson

We discussed the Hawk Marathon/50/100 mile trail race results and comments. It was determined that the pre-race meal prep may need to start earlier. Overall the marking was good, but the signs at Bunker Hill need to be more secure. They were moved and turned. Some runners commented that an unmanned aid station at Bunker Hill and more water jugs along the course might help. There were some comments that any dogs in the race should be kept on a leash. The runners need to be notified where and when they can receive the preliminary race results. The aid stations (headed by Gary Henry, Justin Douglas, and the Kansas Ultra Running Society) all had great praise from the runners. Chris W. took all the pictures, posted a video and wrote a story for the Ultra Runner magazine. We will not need to purchase more buckles for next year. We will need to buy more mugs and medals. Our shirts were our biggest expense. Danny stated that we still have some shirts for sale at future events. Danny will give these shirts to Sherri for sale at the Sander’s Saunter. Danny also stated that the Start/Finish Aid Station leader should be in charge of the cash box during the race event to minimize confusion. Overall the Hawk race was a big success.

Gary nominated Danny Miller as race director for the 2013 Hawk Marathon/50/100 race. Justin D. seconded it and the motion passed. The date for that race is tentatively set for September 14-15th weekend. Danny would like to have a separate checking account for the Hawk race. Justin H. made a motion to approve this, Justin D. seconded, and the motion passed. Danny suggested that we might offer a 4th distance (such as a night-time half marathon) during the Hawk race for next year. Also, we need to promote the need for more volunteers by email, thru the yahoo email group and on our Facebook page.

Sherrie Klover is the race director for the Sanders Saunter trail race on November 17, 2012, at 8 a.m. She discussed that she is trying to finalize which charity this race will help, but she is thinking of a charity to help animals and pets (with a possible dog theme). The course will be the same as last year’s Sanders Saunter. We will have mugs as the race giveaway. Sherrie will come up with the mug and logo design. Jarod Wisener (an active release therapist) will be invited to the race to give massages to the runners. Justin D. will talk to Run Lawrence about renting their timing clock. We need to obtain more safety pins and race bibs. Sherrie will get the race bibs from Road ID. We need more wooden pole signs for the race. There will be a call for volunteers sent out on our Facebook page and thru the yahoo email group. Chris W. will promote the race on our Facebook page and he will take the race pictures. Sherrie will come up with the trophies for the winners. We will make a donation to the Corps of Engineers and State Park. Gary will contact these agencies.

The Executive Board discussed future expenditures for the organization.

Gary and Justin H. mentioned that they saw a sign place when they were out looking for storage units. We need several more plastic signs for future races, so Gary asked if he should contact them and purchase these for the Hawks. Justin D made a motion that he should purchase the plastic signs, Colinda second, and the motion passed.

At the last meeting, the Hawks approved renting a storage unit for all of the Trail Hawk race supplies. Gary and Justin H. located a storage unit off K-10 that meets our needs. Justin D. will contact them and pay for 3-4 months. He’ll also purchase a lock and 4 keys. It was discussed that an inventory list needs to be made while all of the storage items are being moved into the unit.

The Road Runner Club of America’s yearly dues are due in early December. They will be renewed.

It was discussed at a prior meeting that there have been numerous requests for new Trail Hawk tech t-shirts. Coleen will look into where to purchase these shirts (guy and girl cut). The logo may need to be updated and it was suggested that our weekly group runs should be listed on the back of the shirt. Sherri stated that she will take a look at the logo if someone can email it to her.

The Halloween night run and potluck will need to be moved due to a date conflict. Gary will contact Caroline W. (as she had stated that she wants to take lead on this event) to see what date works best (October 19, 2012, or October 26, 2012). They will need reflectors for the Halloween night run.

The meeting was adjourned.

Minutes recorded by Colinda Thompson.

Hawks Ridgeline aid station Heartland100

Marathon Finish