Hawk Meeting Minutes

Aug. 12, 2013 by Colinda "Cat Hawk" Thompson-Warner

Date: 8/6/13

**Attending: Danny, Coleen, Nicole G., Caroline W., Gary H., Chris W., Justin H, Justin D., & Colinda **

Justin D. gave the Treasurer’s Report. He have a current balance of $7,068.01. Public storage is now $71.00 a month. Justin renewed our non-profit status ($40/month) with the state of Kansas. We paid for half the honorarium fee (with Run Lawrence) for Jennifer Pharr-Davis’ upcoming speaker event. We discussed inviting her to attend our pre-race meal for the Hawk event.

Danny and Coleen discussed the financials for the Hawk race. Danny and Gary will get insurance and make a donation to Clinton Park. The shelter and cabin are reserved from Thursday thru Sunday. The Hawk race directors have reserved the Lands End Cabin. Three porta potties have been ordered. Mile 90 have been hired for the race photography. As of today, there are 73 signed up for the race. Danny has ordered the finisher awards (mugs for the 50 milers, Hawk Heads for the marathon runners). We already have enough buckles left for the 100 milers. The 100 mile runners will also receive fleece jackets. All runners get a tech shirt (short sleeve). Danny will order 10 extra over the number of race entrants. Volunteers will receive cotton shirts. Danny and Coleen are looking into ordering some Hawk clothing items to sell at the race.

Danny has a food budget of $1100. The pre-race meal will have pasta on Friday night. Breakfast is provided on Saturday morning and burgers, soup, etc thru the day/night on Saturday. They will take Hawk flyers to Garry Gribbles and Coleen’s Sweaty Ass run. The Board members will post the race on social media sites. Justin D will hang some flyers on the KU campus.

Course marking will start on Tuesday and go thru the week leading up to the race. Gary said that he will make sure the signs are more secure on Bunker Hill (sledge hammered into the ground). Coleen and Danny want to have a volunteer at Bunker Hill also. Coleen will be in charge volunteers. However, each aid station will also need to find their own volunteers. The Hawk board members will be in charge of an aid station at West Park Road. Gary Henry will be in charge of the Land’s End Aid Station, Danny and Coleen will be at Start/Finish Aid Station. There will need to be 2 tables, 2 pop up tents, tarps, and 2 coolers per aid station. Danny will purchase 3 pop up tents, 3 tarps, 3 water jugs, 4 water coolers. The extra large coolers will be kept at start/finish, and we’ll need 2 others per aid station. We have 3-4 walkie/talkies. We need a few generators. Caroline and Colinda may have access to the generators. Coleen and Danny still need to arrange medical support for the race.

The 2013 course was discussed. A map is posted at the race website. Runners will run the Sander’s Mound and go out on blue and return on white. Gary said he will get some large road signs made. We discussed dates for 2014 and 2015 and increasing the number of race entrants.

The meeting was adjourned.

Minutes recorded by Colinda Thompson.

Saturday long run, Nov. 12, 2011

Lawrence Trail Hawks Frozen Fat Ass Run, Jan. 6, 2018

Hawks Ridgeline aid station Heartland100