Shoreline Shuffle Meeting Minutes

April 2, 2013 by Colinda "Cat Hawk" Thompson-Warner

Originally published on April 2, 2013


Attending: Karen C., Nicole G., Jeff T., Caroline W., Gary H. Justin D. Colinda T.

Caroline briefly discussed how the Pi Day race turned out. The next Pi Day race will be set for 3/16/2013. She will need some distilled water gallon jugs to help hold down the tents.

Karen discussed the Shoreline Shuffle 5k trail race at Clinton Lake State Park, which is set for 5/4/2013. Karen stated this is her last year to be the Race Director since she will be moving later this year. She will put out an announcement on the list serve for next year’s RD.

Karen ordered race bibs and reserved our spot at Clinton Lake State Park. Karen will meet with Sherri Withers to pay her for the race and campground. She will discuss parking with her when they meet. Karen will get our certificate of insurance by 4/4/2013. Karen is renting the finish line equipment from Run Lawrence again. She has updated the Ultrasignup page. The race entry is set at $20 for the Lawrence Trail Hawks dues paying members and $25 for non-dues paying members. Packet pick up is set for 5/3/2013 from 5-7 p.m. at Garry Gribbles in Lawrence.

Karen still needs to order race shirts. She is going with Pacifica and will get sleeveless singlets. There will be front and back printing. She’s still working on the t-shirt logo but she has a flyer ready for Garry Gribbles and the Trail Hawks website. Jeff T. will post the flyer on the LTH website and on our LTH Facebook page. Karen will create a Facebook Event page for the race. Justin D. will see if he has a vector file of the our logo and email it to Jeff T. Jeff T. will put it in a Dropbox account for other board members to access.

Karen is still working on ideas for the awards. There will be no masters awards this year. Karen is thinking of fun things to do with the theme for the race course directors. Karen still needs to find a photographer and will ask Brad Trimble. Gary H. said me might be able to volunteer if Brad is unable to be at the race.

Karen will reserve 2 port-a-potties for the race from Anderson Rentals. She’ll get food for the post race. Nicole G. volunteered to make star wars themed cookies (if she can get the cookie cutters that she needs).

There was discussion about kids running our trail races with and without their parents. Karen will check our insurance paperwork to see what the minimum age is to run the race and what age is able to run without a parent. The meeting was adjourned.

Minutes recorded by: Colinda Thompson, Lawrence Trail Hawks Secretary

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