Trail Hawks meeting for the Shoreline Shuffle

March 30, 2012 by Colinda "Cat Hawk" Thompson-Warner

Date: 3/27/12

Attending: Justin H., Justin D., Karen, Jeff, Nicole, Chris, Caroline, Colinda, Gary

The Shoreline Shuffle is scheduled for May 5, 2012, at Clinton Lake State Park. A Facebook Event page has been set up. The event is posted on the Trail Hawks website and on UltraSignup. Garry Gribbles has about 30 race entry forms. We are signed up as a Road ID Event. The cost was $4.99. This includes 100 race bibs, and certificates and brochures for the race packets. Our event is on their website also.

Karen made a $50 donation from the Trail Hawks to the Clinton Lake State Park. She turned in the permits to the state park office. She set up insurance thru the Road Runners Club of America.

Gary developed the new trail course starting at the farthest west staircase. Karen stated that she’ll need to reserve area P-1 on 4/17/12. This will cost $24.00. Karen will need a traffic director/volunteer for race day parking. We’ll have water and electric at our race start area.

We will rent the Finish line sign and shute, along with 2 timers and the big clock from Run Lawrence. This will cost $60.00.

Chris W. stated he will be our race photographer for no charge.

Karen will order 2 Porta potties and a hand wash tank. Cost will be approximately $213.35. Caroline and Gary stated we have plenty of trail marking signs, cups, and paper towels.

Caroline stated we have approximately 180 green Trail Hawk bags for packet pickup remaining.

Karen suggested a Cinco de Mayo theme since the race is on 5/5/12. She is looking into maracas for the awards. She may handpaint Clintie on the maracas (along with some mexican themed details for Clintie and the runner). She would like to have mexican themed post-race food and drink also, but is not sure on the details yet.

We discussed technical shirts vs. technical socks for the race giveaways. Light yellow was mentioned for the color of the shirts. The group agreed that the shirts will be the best way to go because they will provide our group more visibility and promotion. Justin H. will look into changing the design for the shirts.

Karen will email Gary with the race information so he can prepare a press release.

The cut off for the online race entry will be Wednesday of race week.

Meeting adjourned.

Recorded by, Colinda Thompson, Secretary

Hawk Hundred - 100/50/26.2 - 2012

RRCA Coaching Certification Class, Lawrence

Hawk Hundred - 100/50/26.2 - 2012