Lawrence Trail Hawks Executive Board Meeting

Feb. 15, 2012 by Colinda "Cat Hawk" Thompson

Date: 2/7/2012

Present: Justin Henning, Coleen Voeks, Gary Henry, Jeff Triplett, Caroline Wroczynski, Justin Douglas, Chris Wristen, Nicole Green, & Colinda Thompson

Pi Day Race planning report: Caroline had to leave early, so the first item discussed was the upcoming Pi Day race set for 3/4/2012. The Board discussed ordering giveaway bags for the upcoming race (and future races). The Board decided to order green bags with gold wording and reflective stripes. Caroline stated that anyone interested in the female shirt style need to register by 2/15/12 in order to guarantee their shirt. Caroline will post the race event on Daily Mile. Chris discussed setting up separate Facebook event pages for the upcoming Trail Hawks races. The event pages will be connected to our Trail Hawks website and Trail Hawks Facebook page. The Board thanked Caroline for all of her hard work in organizing the Pi Day Race.

Treasurer Report: At a previous meeting, it was determined that the Trail Hawks should look into setting up a Post Office box for the organization. Justin D. stated he will look into setting this up. It was decided that the Treasurer and President will both need a key to the Post Office box. Justin D. submitted a Summary of Finances Report for Calendar Year 2011. Our current balance is $2,065.19. In 2011, the Trail Hawks had $11,078.07 in revenue and $8,426.40 in expenses. Justin discussed ways in which we can save money. In order to reduce interest and credit card fees, the Board decided to close out the American Express card and Justin will open a Visa credit card and debit card. Jeff will look into other webhosting sites to see if a cheaper site can be secured.

Purchases for 2012: The Board also discussed capital investments that we want to consider for 2012. It was discussed that a large timing clock at the race finish might be a good investment for the organization. Gary mentioned that the upkeep of the clock might be difficult, and they are expensive to purchase. He also stated that Run Lawrence may rent out their clock. This will allow our group a test trial to determine if we only want to rent the clock or if we want to purchase a clock in the future. Justin D. will contact Run Lawrence to see how much they charge. Gary discussed that we need two extra folding tables and some orange cones for the upcoming Pi Day race; and possibly a few more tables, orange cones, and a tent for the Hawk Marathon/50/100 trail race in September. The Board agreed. Justin D. proposed that we purchase the two extra folding tables before the Pi Day race. Gary will look into ordering the orange cones. Coleen suggested that it might be a good investment for the group to make some PVC/reflective tape race markers. The Board agreed, and Coleen will look into pricing. It was also agreed that Justin D. will purchase two binders, dividers, and paper for the Secretary.

Membership Fees: The Board will ask Caroline to contact Ultrasignup to post/update our Trail Hawk membership fees. The cost for a family membership is $25.00, and an individual membership is $15.00. The Board decided that the fees should continue at those same rates for 2012. Charity: The Board discussed and agreed that each event’s Race Director will be responsible for deciding which organization shall be picked to receive a donation for any upcoming charity races that the Trail Hawks host. Currently, our only charity race is the Sander’s Saunter in November.

By-laws: Colinda asked for clarification on what the Board is looking for when it discussed “updating” the Trail Hawks’ By-laws. The Board discussed that it is modeled on the Road Runners Club of America’s By-laws, and has not been updated since the Trail Hawks formed as an association. It needs to be reviewed to make sure that it reflects the Trail Hawks’ current needs and purpose. Colinda asked that everyone look over the By-laws and make notes of needed changes, so we can discuss it at the next meeting. Colinda suggested that the group might want to have a list of “Standing Rules” for reference at upcoming Board Meetings. (Ex: Any purchase above $40 for the Trail Hawks organization needs to be approved by the Board). The Board agreed that a Standing Rules document will be a helpful reference. She will need input from the past Board members in order to generate this list. Coleen will email her any past minutes that she can find, and it will be discussed again at the next meeting or via email.

Position Descriptions: All Board members and Board appointed positions shall write up their own position description so that Jeff may post these on the Trail Hawks’ website.

Other business: Coleen asked the Board about their interest in having a short Kids Run at future races (ex/ along the Levee for Pi Day, or at Clinton for the Shoreline Shuffle). It was decided that Pi Day was probably too close to plan a kids run, but that Shoreline Shuffle might be a good time to have a kids run.

The Board decided to continue meeting 4-5 times a year, or more often as needed for discussing upcoming races and events.

Meeting adjourned.

Minutes submitted by:

Colinda D. Thompson, Secretary 2/15/12

Lake Henry aid station, Sanders Saunter 2018

Marathon Finish