Hawk board meeting 11-19-2011

Nov. 27, 2011 by Coleen "Lil Big Hawk" Voeks

Notes from the Lawrence Trail Hawks board meeting on Nov. 19th 2011 Present: Coleen Voeks Chris Wristen Karen Collier Caroline Wroczynski Jeff Triplett

The annual members meeting will be held on Saturday January 28 at 2pm at Karen Colliers house. We will be electing a President, Treasurer and Secretary. It was discussed that the Presidents position needs to be held by a Lawrence resident who can be active in the group runs. Coleen will send out an email to the listserv and the facebook page letting everyone know which positions are open and when the meeting is. Karen put forth Justin Douglas as a possible treasurer. Nicole Green was also put forth as possible candidate for a board position.

The Race schedule is set for 2012:

Coleen’s Fat Ass- Jan 6 or 13 (will firm up next week)

Pi Day River Rotation half marathon - March 4 Shoreline Shuffle 5K- May 5 Coleen’s Sweaty Ass- end of July Hawk 100/50/26.2- Sept 8-9 LTH Halloween Run- Oct. 20

Saunders Saunter 10K- Nov. 17

Instead of ordering shirts, we are going to set up an online account with ndurance and they print on demand and our members pay directly for them. We won’t be making any money off the shirts, but we also don’t have to outlay a large amount of cash. Members can pick the size, colour and cut and the prices are very reasonable and the shirts are nice quality. Members can also get their Hawk names (or anything else) printed on the back. Jeff will post a link on our website and we will promote it via listserv and facebook. Coleen will get the logos from Karen to provide to ndurance. By doing shirts this way, at this time, we will have money to print bandannas or hats to sell at races.

LTH trifolds and stickers: Coleen has a box of trifolds and a “chunk” of stickers and Karen has a bunch of stickers at home also, so we will hold off on re-ordering for now.

Ultrarunning magazine ad for Hawk 100/50:

Chris is going to find out the ad deadline schedule, formatting specs and pricing for the magazine. We would like to run one in April and hopefully May also depending on cost.

Chris will get with Gary about his graphic artist friend tweaking our logo in time so we can meet those deadlines

Chris will get the logo to whomever is going to put the ad together and give them formatting specs in addition to all the pertinent info.

Member of the Year- We think there should be 2 this year: Justin Douglas and Nicole Green. Both have gone above and beyond in their efforts for the Hawks.

Website updates: Jeff will add Danny’s Wednesday night run and Sarah’s Tuesday night hill run to the website

Coleen brought up the idea of hosting a screening of “Unbreakable: The Western States movie” at Liberty Hall with a panel discussion afterwards and hopefully some giveaways. It was unanimously decided that this would be a great idea to pursue in terms of both a fundraiser and a “name out there” situation. The entire board went down to Liberty Hall and discussed the possibility with the bar manager and Coleen emailed the general manager on Sunday looking for more information. The screening would take place in the first or second week of December depending on Liberty Hall’s schedule. A few other places were put forward to pursue if Liberty Hall does not work out. At this point Coleen has not heard back from the manager of Liberty Hall, so things are on hold.

Hawks Ridgeline aid station Heartland100

Trail Hawks Ridgeline aid station at Heartland100, 2018

50K, 20 Mi & 10 Mi Night Trail Races