The Hawk

General Course Description

Begin at Start/Finish HQ and run about an eighth of a mile to the trailhead. Turn left onto the blue-blazed trail and follow it a few hundred yards to the Sanders Mound trail. Go left and do a “quick” 1.1-mile out-and-back to the top of Sanders Mound. Return to the blue-blazed trail and head left. Cross Marina Road and continue on the blue trail towards the Land’s End aid station (4.5 mi). Once you get to the Land’s End opening, you will take a right up toward the cabins. You must check in at the aid station and then will return to the trail. At Land’s End you will get back on west-bound Blue and head down toward the Red Trail.

From Lands End, take the scenic shoreline red-blazed trail, about 1 mile, reconnecting with the blue-blazed trail at red’s end.

The blue-blazed trail crosses West Park Road into the Cactus Ridge section and turns into the white-blazed trail about 3.5 miles out after Land’s End.

The white-blazed trail along Cactus Ridge takes you back across West Park Road to the West Park Road aid station. From the aid station, runners leave the trails and follow the signs and flags along West Park Road, staying on the grass, to the Bunker Hill Loop. Complete the grassy 2.5-mile loop, which includes two ascents of Bunker Hill, and return to the West Park Road aid station.

From the aid station, follow the white-blazed trail back. Near the cabins, a turn-off will be marked to exit the white trail and head toward the Land’s End aid station, about 5.5 miles. Once you have checked in at Land’s End aid station you will get back on the connector toward the trail. Leaving Lands End, continue on the white-blazed trail back to the Start/Finish aid station, about 6.5 miles distant. This completes one 25-mile lap of the course.

Hundred-milers complete the course four times, 75-milers three times, and 50-milers twice.

Big Loop: At the Start/Finish aid station, runners will have completed 25 miles (26.2 for marathoners)—what we call the “Big Loop.” Hundred-milers repeat the Big Loop three more times, 75-milers two more times, and 50-milers one more time.

When the trails cross: The white-blazed trail and the blue-blazed trail cross at several points on the course. The crossings will be marked and signed, but it is your responsibility to read and heed the markers, signs, and white and blue blazes to stay on course.

Marathon: Start time 8:00 AM - runners will follow the same course as the 50, 75, and 100-mile runners, but they will run an additional 1.2 miles at the beginning of the race.

Aid Stations

The Hawk is a fully-staffed race with three aid stations, crewed by experienced UltraRunners. The locations and distances runners will hit aid stations as they traverse the 25-mile course (26.2 for marathoners):

Lands End: 4.5 miles – no crew access, drop bags

West Park Road: 10.5 and 13 miles – crew access, drop bags

Lands End: 18.5 miles – no crew access, drop bags

Start/Finish: 25 miles – crew access, drop bags


The 100, 75, and 50-mile races have a Sunday 10:00 AM cut-off for runners leaving the West Park Road aid station after completing the Bunker Hill/Goodwin loop. This is at mile 88 for the 100-mile runners, mile 63 for the 75-mile runners, and mile 38 for the 50-mile runners.

The cut-off for Lands End aid Station is Sunday 12 PM, noon. This is at mile 93.5 for the 100-mile runners, mile 68.5 for the 75-mile runners, and 43.5 for the 50-mile runners.

To stay in the race, you must have left the aid station by the above cut-off times. Volunteers will break down the aid station at that time and depart. Runners continuing on their own accord past the cut-offs and not arriving at the Start/Finish on or before the 2 PM cut-off will not be eligible for the finisher awards.

Race date:
September 7, 2024
Start time:
06:00 AM
Race distance:
100, 50, 75, 26.2
Cut off time:
32 hours for 100 and 75, 31 hours for the 50 and 30 hours for the Marathon

Event Information

Click here for a course map.



All Runners will receive a long-sleeve race shirt and a race bag if you register by August 15th.

100 Mile Finishers | We have a beautiful Hawk finishers buckle. Runners completing the HAWK Hundred under 24 hours have a buckle with a distinct design.

75 Mile Finishers | Runners completing the 75-mile distance receive a custom HAWK cooler.

50 Mile Finishers | Runners completing the 50-mile distance receive finisher mugs handcrafted by Matty Mullins.

Marathon Finisher | Runners completing the Marathon distance receive a handcrafted marathon finishers' medal made by Matty Mullins.

Placement Awards

We are continually evaluating our award system and are making a few adjustments this year. For each race, there will be:

Overall Winner

First Runner-Up Male, Female, Non-binary

Second Runner-Up Male, Female, Non-binary

Masters (Age 45+) Male, Female

Last Mule in the Barn

The awards will be distributed in that order.

Please visit our Facebook group for information and updates on the race, connect with other Hawk runners, past, present, and future, and participate in contests that include prizes from our sponsor, Orange Mud. Also, visit the Lawrence Trail Hawks for information about our weekly group runs, upcoming events, and volunteer opportunities.

Race Directors



Packet Pickup

The pre-race briefing and packet pickup for all distances will be the morning of the event. Drop bags need to be dropped off race morning 15 minutes before your scheduled start time.

Willie Lambert's Rock Creek Trail Series 5 & 10K, 3-20-10