The Snake

SNAKE!! The 4th annual Snake 10-Mile Trail Race takes its name from the winding nature of the course, set amid the rugged trails and old-growth forest of the north shore of Clinton Lake, Lawrence, Kan. The Snake traverses the little-used connector trails between the north shore's blue- and white-blazed trail systems, out about 5 miles and back again. The unique course layout promises a new experience to even the seasoned Clinton Lake veteran! DUES-PAYING LAWRENCE TRAIL HAWKS GET $10 OFF THE ENTRY FEE. Contact RD Gary Henry for the promo code before signing up. The SNAKE features a midway aid station staffed by fellow trail runners and a post-race watermelon feast for runners, volunteers, families and friends. The SNAKE is designed for runners who like using the words "brutal" and "fun" in the same sentence. SNAKE packet pick-up is planned for Friday, July 12 at Ad Astra Running in Lawrence. You can also pick up race-day morning, starting at 6 am.

SPECIAL SNAKE SAFETY ANNOUNCEMENT The race directors have once again concluded a special arrangement with the snakes of Clinton Lake not to attack any runners in "The Snake." On signing up, each entrant will be given a unique "snake name." As a runner, if you encounter a snake on the trail, simply identify yourself with your snake name, then give the snake as wide a berth as possible, and the snake will leave you in peace. Molesting snakes in any way violates the terms of our agreement with the snake population. When snakes and people meet, both should depart unharmed.

Race Guidelines: To help protect our runners and minimize our impact on beautiful Clinton Lake, runners should follow these guidelines:

1) Respect the trails. Stay on marked trails, and don't litter. Runners caught littering will be disqualified. 2) We will have a sign in/sign out sheet on race day. This will let us know all runners are safely off the trails. sign in when you get there, sign out before you leave. 3) Dogs are welcome, but should be on a leash. Please ensure your dog is capable of handling the distance and heat. 4) No jogging strollers or other wheeled vehicles. You're welcome to try, but we reserve the right to film it and post the results to YouTube. :) 5) No drinking or smoking on the course during the race. 6) The trails will be open to non-racers; be courteous to the other users. 7) Any runner under the age of 14 must be accompanied by an adult runner at all times during the race.

Race date:
July 13, 2021
Start time:
07:00 AM
Race distance:
10 miles

Event Information


1st, 2nd, 3rd men's and women



Dues-paying Trail Hawks get $10 off entry! Contact RD Gary Henry to get the promo code for ultrasignup.

Packet Pickup

Ad Astra Running 734 Massachusetts St., Lawrence, 2-6 pm, Friday, July 12.

Skyline Shuffle 2018

HAWK 100 & 50 Mi

Shoreline Shuffle 5K Trail 2009