The Hawk

Download a PDF: Hawk Elevation Profile

Course Markers

The course is marked with flags and ribbons. There are also right-turn, left-turn, straight ahead, and wrong way signs. The course is designed so that you can follow it using the Park Department’s blazes on the trees, except on the out-and-backs to Bunker Hill/Goodwin Loop and Sanders Mound. The trail will be marked with reflectors during the night portion of the 100-mile race. You must have a headlamp or flashlight in order to see these. The Park has also marked the trail with mile markers, so please pay attention to those also. They are true measured miles and not GPS miles, so you will be slightly off on your mileage if you are wearing a GPS.

This, of course, is a trail race. Part of a trail race is making your way on the course. We will do our BEST to mark the course and think like a trail runner, but please familiarize yourself with the course beforehand.

Trail Blazes

In addition to signs, flags and ribbons, runners should also watch for the white, blue and red blazes on the trails. The westerly, out-bound portion of the course is marked with BLUE blazes. A one-mile detour along the Clinton Lake shoreline will be marked with RED blazes. When the course turns back east toward Lands End, it will be marked with WHITE blazes.

In addition to the white, blue and red blazes on the westerly, easterly and shoreline trails, you may see trails marked with both white and blue or red and blue blazes. These are “connector trails.” Do not follow them. They will be marked with wrong-way signs and/or ribbons, but in case the signs get knocked over or vandalized, please know you should follow only SINGLE white, blue or red blazes as shown in the photos.

Course Description

100-mile and 50-mile races: You’ll begin at the Start/Finish and run about an eighth of a mile to the trailhead for the blue-blazed trail. Make a left turn onto the blue-blazed trail and follow it a couple hundred yards to the Sanders Mound trail. You’ll take a left and do a quick 1.1 mile out-and-back to the top of Sanders Mound where you will find a bucket of trinkets, pick one each time you run the mound, you give it to the Lands End aid station captain or if you prefer you hold onto them until the end of the race and give them to the RD. After you descend the Mound you will get back on the blue-blazed trail and head for the Lands End aid station.

From Lands End you’ll take the Red-blazed shoreline trail until it meets back up with the blue-blazed trail. The blue-blazed trail will turn into the white-blazed trail 3.5 miles from Lands End at a point known as Cactus Ridge.

The white-blazed trail will take you to the West Park Road aid station. From there, leave the trails and follow the signs, flags and ribbons along West Park Road, staying on the grass, to Bunker Hill. This is the Goodwin Loop. Complete the 2.5-mile Goodwin Loop, which includes a traverse of Bunker Hill, and return to the West Park Road aid station. You’ll then continue on the white-blazed trail back to the Lands End aid station.

Leaving Lands End you will continue on the white-blazed trail back to the Start/Finish aid station. This completes one loop of the course.

Marathon: Marathon runners will follow the same course as the 50- and 100-mile runners, but they will run an additional 1.2 miles at the beginning of the race.

Big Loop: At the Start/Finish aid station, runners will have completed 25 miles (26.2 for marathoners)—what we call the “Big Loop.” Hundred-milers repeat the Big Loop three more times and 50-milers one more time.

When the trails cross: The white-blazed trail and the blue-blazed trail cross at several points on the course. The crossings will be heavily marked and signed, but it is your responsibility to read and heed the markers, signs, and white, blue and red blazes to stay on course.

Aid Stations

The Hawk is a fully-staffed race with three aid stations manned by experienced UltraRunners. Aid stations will offer Tailwind Nutrition, Water, Coke, Mountain Dew and Ginger-ale. We serve Honey Stinger gels, chews and waffles and S-caps as our additional electrolyte. Typical aid station food includes but is not limited to: Oranges, bananas, watermelon, pringles, pretzels, oreo cookies, nutter butters, M&M's, Peanut M&M's, ginger chews, boiled potatoes, peanut butter wraps, Nutella wraps, and turkey wraps. Each aid station will offer a variety of homemade soup and other warm food on the overnight hours. If you have a "special needs diet," please contact the RD and we will do our best to accommodate you at the Start/Finish aid station. Following are the locations and distances runners will hit aid stations as they traverse the 25-mile course (26.2 for marathoners).

Lands End: 4.5 miles – no crew access, drop bags West Park Road: 10.5 and 13 miles – crew access, drop bags Lands End: 18.5 miles – no crew access, drop bags Start/Finish: 25 miles – crew access, drop bags



The 100 and 50-mile races have a Sunday 10:00 am cut off for runners leaving the West Park Road aid station, after completing the Bunker Hill/Goodwin loop. This is at mile 88 for the 100-mile runners and mile 38 for the 50-mile runners.

The cut off for Lands End aid station is Sunday 12 pm, noon. This is at mile 93.5 for the 100-mile runners and 43.5 for the 50-mile runners.

To stay in the race, you must have left the aid station by the above cut off times. Volunteers will breakdown the aid station at that time, and depart. Runners continuing on their own accord past the cutoffs, and not arriving at the Start/Finish on or before the 2 pm cutoff, will not be eligible for the finisher awards.

Race date:
September 5, 2020
Start time:
06:00 AM
Race distance:
100, 50, 26.2
Cut off time:
32 hours for 100, 31 hours for the 50 and 30 hours for the Marathon

Event Information

Click here for a course map.


1st, 2nd and 3rd place Male and Female in each race will receive a special award.

Masters for each race - First place Male/Female

Marathon finishers - Hawk medal made by Matty Mullins and a HAWK 26.2 car sticker

50 mile Finishers - Beautiful custom made mug by Matty Mullins and a HAWK 50 mile car sticker

100 milers - Hawk buckle, sub 24 or sub 32 and a HAWK 100 mile car sticker

Race Directors


Visit to register for any of The Hawk races.

Lawrence Trail Hawk members receive a discount at this race and all other Trail Hawk events. To join the club please visit the Trail Hawks registration page on Ultrasignup.


Frequently Asked Questions

Can I have a pacer?

Pacers are only allowed (and are recommended) for the 100-mile race, although no “muling” is allowed. Pacers can think for you, navigate for you, keep you awake, make sure you eat and drink, and do all the other wonderful things pacers do, but they can’t carry your gear for you. Carrying your own load is part of being a finisher in the Hawk.

Pacers may join their runners starting at 50 miles or any time thereafter. They may join their runners from either of the two crew access stations after checking in at the Start/Finish. Please have the pacer check in at the Start/Finish area to and pick up their pacer bib. Please make sure your pacer per-registeres on Ultrasignup as your pacer.

Pacers are not allowed for the marathon or 50-mile races.

What happens if it rains and the trails are too muddy to run on?

RACE CANCELLATION OR POSTPONEMENT In the event the race should be postponed or canceled for reasons beyond the control of the Lawrence Trail Hawks (inclement or unsafe weather conditions; local, state or national emergency), refunds will NOT be made, but race packets, including race shirts, will be available at a location to be determined or possibly, though but not guaranteed, by mail.

ALTERNATE COURSE If local authorities, Clinton State Park and the Kansas Trails Council trail steward, deem the trails unsafe for runners or vulnerable to damage due to muddy conditions, an alternative course will be provided by the Lawrence Trail Hawks race Directors, pending approval by Clinton State Park and the Kansas Trails Council Trail Steward.

What are the aid station cut-offs?

The 100 and 50-mile races have a Sunday 10:00am cut off for runners leaving the West Park Road aid station, after completing the Bunker Hill/Goodwin loop. This is at mile 88 for the 100-mile runners and mile 38 for the 50-mile runners. The cut off for Lands End aid Station is Sunday 12pm, noon. This is at mile 93.5 for the 100-mile runners and 43.5 for the 50-mile runners.

To stay in the race, you must have left the aid station by the above cut off times. Volunteers will breakdown the aid station at that time, and depart. Runners continuing on their own accord past the cutoffs, and not arriving at the Start/Finish on or before the 2pm cutoff, will not be eligible for the finisher awards.

What is the Hawk Hundred Deferment Policy?

Seeing you cross the finish line is the reason we host this race. If you’ve signed up for one of the events, but are unable to safely participate in the HAWK race, we offer the following options.

CHANGING DISTANCE PRIOR TO THE RACE Runners may contact the Race Director and transfer to a lower or a higher distance on or before August 15th. In the event a runner transfers to a higher distance, a pro rata charge will apply. No credit or refund can be given for runners transferring to a lower distance race. You can also make an "event change" on ultrasignup and change the distance yourself; in the event you upgrade the distance it will generate a code and prompt you to re-register for the new distance. The HAWK does not allow runners to transfer entries to other participants or offer refunds.

DROPPING DISTANCE ON RACE DAY Hundred milers who drop to the 50 will receive a 50-mile finisher award, if available. However, they are not eligible for 50-mile 1st, 2nd or 3rd place awards. Hundred-mile and 50-mile runners may NOT drop to the marathon and will be recorded as a DNF in the race results.

DEFERRAL Runners may defer their race entries to the following year, by notifying the Race Director on or before August 1st. Deferral will NOT be permitted for any runner making a request less than 30 days before the scheduled event and we do NOT offer refunds. The race Deferral is good for one year only. Requests for deferral must be submitted in writing to the Race Director; given the press of other preparations, runners should make sure their request has been confirmed. The deferral code must be obtained from the Race Director and used within the first 45 days of the next year’s race registration.

DID NOT START If you can’t attend, and haven’t deferred, please let the Race Director know at least seven days before the race, so your name can be removed from the starters list. You also have the option to remove yourself from the race on Ultrasignup. If you don’t show up, and don’t let us know in advance that you can’t make it, you’ll be recorded as DNS in the race results.

What kind of race swag is included?

All 100-mile finishers will receive a belt buckle and a 100 mile car sticker 50-mile finishers will receive a handmade finisher’s mug and a 50 mile car sticker Marathon finishers will receive a handmade award and a 26.2 car sticker The top three male and female finishers in each race will receive a special handmade award Masters awards for first place Male/female in each race

All entrants get a cool Hawk shirt and a race bag

We will also have t-shirts and other race items available for purchase - you can pre-order on Ultrasignup when you register for the race. -Chip timing provided by Timer Guys . -Our photographers are once again. Mile 90. Please visit to download your free race pictures provided and paid for by the Lawrence Trail Hawks

What times do the different races start on race morning and when do we need to check in? When do we bring our drop bags?

The 100-mile race starts at 6am and the 50 mile race starts at 7am on Saturday, September 5th. All 100-mile and 50-mile runners must check in at the Start/Finish 15 minutes before the race starts.

The Marathon starts at 8 am on Saturday, September 5th. Marathon runners must check in at the Start/Finish by 7:45 am.

Drop bags are permitted for all 3 aid stations. Please keep your drop bags to a reasonable size and bring them to HQ on race morning at least 15 minutes before your race start time.

When and where is the pre-race briefing and packet pickup?

The pre-race briefing and dinner is at the Start/Finish, Shelter 1, on Friday September 4th. Dinner will be served at 5:30pm and the race briefing will start at 6pm. It is especially recommended for all 100-mile runners, and would be helpful for 50-mile and marathon runners as well. Packets may be picked up during the pre-race briefing on Friday from 5–7 pm. You may also pick up your packet at the Start/Finish on race morning, at least 30 minutes before your race starts.

We are excited to have Hawaiian Bros cater our pre-race dinner. The Dinner is included in the price of your race fee, additional tickets for your family and crew can be purchased for $15.00 as an ADD ON to your registration.

Google maps will put you at the race destination - it even has the HAWK RACE pinpointed . Use this coordinate for the destination It puts you right at the Start/Finish, Shelter 1, in Clinton Park.

Lawrence Trail Hawks Frozen Fat Ass Run, Jan. 6, 2018

Trail Hawks Ridgeline aid station at Heartland100, 2018

HAWK 100 & 50 Mi

2015 HAWK 100, 50 & 26.2 photos by Mile 90 Photography

Inaugural Sanders Saunter