Pi Day River Rotation - Marathon, Half Marathon and Pi Miler

It's not just a Half Marathon, it's a Half Marathon with Pie! Pi Miler -Pi to Pie

Pi Day has been canceled due to COVID-19 concerns

We were contacted by Douglas County today and told that all gatherings over 250 were prohibited due to COVID19 and were forced to cancel our race.

More details

Trail run on a smooth, fast course with a few hills sprinkled in for fun.

The Pi Miler, starting at 7:30 am, is 2 loops of different distances, totaling 3.14 miles (just over a 5K).

The River Rotation Half Marathon, starting at 9 am, is a 13.14 mile three-loop course, alternating between counterclockwise and clockwise directions.

The Pi Day River Rotation Full Marathon will start at 8:30 am, runners will take a short lap, and 5 longer loops bringing you to 26.21 miles.

The Pi Slam is the original combo race for the Pi Day Races for those wanting to add a little more distance (and race swag) to their day. It is a combination of the Pi Miler and the Pi Day River Rotation Half Marathon. The Pi Slam will begin at 7:30 am and follow the course for the Pi Miler, and will begin again at 9:00 am with the Pi Day River Rotation Half Marathoners, following the course for that race.

The Ultra Pi Slam is for those wanting to add even more mileage. It combines the Pi Miler and the Pi Day River Rotation Marathon. The Ultra Pi Slam will begin at 7:30 am and follow the course for the Pi Miler. They will then toe-up again at the starting line at 8:30 am with the Pi Day River Rotation Marathoners and follow the course.

For those who can't get enough, or want to try out ALL the distances, The Answer to Everything is for you. The Answer to Everything (42s) will begin at 7:30 am with the Pi Milers and follow the course for the Pi Miler. They will then line up again at the starting line at 8:30 am for the Pi Day River Rotation Marathon. When 42s complete the marathon, they will check in with one of the RDs, where we will line you up at the starting line for your own personalized start time to begin the Pi Day River Rotation Half Marathon.

For all distances, there will be a single aid station located at the trailhead and an aid station at the finish line. Runners in the marathon and half-marathon will pass the aid station at 5-mile intervals. Water, Tailwind, Honey Stinger [products, fruit, and other items will be available at the aid station.

After the race, enjoy some homemade pie at the finish line with your custom-distance finisher's fork!

Race date:
March 14, 2020
Start time:
07:30 AM
Race distance:
3.14 / 13.14 /26.21 / 16.24 / 29.35 / 42.42
Cut off time:

Event Information

Click here for a course map.


1st, 2nd, 3rd place male/female overall awarded for Pi Miler, Pi Day River Rotation Half Marathon, and Pi Day River Rotation Marathon races Our sponsor, Garry Gribble’s, will be providing prizes for the winners of all the races this year! First place male and female of the Pi Miler receives a free pair of Oofos sandals. First place male and female for both the River Rotation Half Marathon and the Pi Day River Rotation Full Marathon receives a free pair of shoes. First place male and female of the Pi Slam, Ultra Pi Slam, and Answer to Everything will receive a gift certificate towards gear at Gribbles. 1st place male/female in <20, 20-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59, 60-69, 70+

1st place in Clydesdale and Athena Clydesdale and Athena competitive divisions are based on weight minimums outlined in the USA Triathlon Competitive Rules. Athletes competing in the Clydesdale division must be a minimum of 220 pounds and athletes in the Athena division must be a minimum of 165 pounds.

All finishers will receive a finishers award and vinyl for each distance they complete. Runners that complete the Pi Slam will receive a special Pi Slam t-shirt. Ultra Pi Slam finishers will receive an Ultra Pi Slam trucker hat. The Answer to Everything finishers will receive an OrangeMud transition wrap towel (because towels and the answer to everything! :) )

Awards for the Miler will be presented at the finish line and announced at the starting line of the Pi Day River Rotation Half Marathon prior to its start. Awards for the Pi Day River Rotation Marathon and Half Marathon will be awarded at the finish line. All winners must be present to receive their awards.

Race Director


River Rotation Marathon: $90 until October 13, 2019 $95 until February 19, 2020 $100 until March 10, 2020 $105 March 11-14th, 2020

River Rotation Half Marathon: $55until October 13, 2019 $60 until February 19, 2020 $65 until March 10, 2020 $70 March 11-14th, 2020

Pi Miler: $35 until October 13, 2019 $40 until February 19, 2020 $45 until March 10, 2020 $50 March 11-14th, 2020

Pi Slam $80/$85/$90/$95: Runners run the Pi Miler and the Pi Day River Rotation Half Marathon. 

Ultra Pi Slam $110/$115/$120/$125: Runners run the Pi Miler and the Pi Day River Rotation Full Marathon. 

Answer To Everything (aka 42) $150/$155/$160/$165: Runners of 42 will run the Pi Miler, Pi Day River Rotation Half Marathon, and Full Marathon.

*Entry price for all distances increases $5 if registering at pick-up or race day.


Dues paying members of the Lawrence Trail Hawks (http://trailhawks.com/) are eligible for the Trail Hawk discount. To get your code or to become a member of the Lawrence Trail Hawks, contact RD Caroline.

Packet Pickup

Garry Gribbles Running Sports Friday, March 8th.12pm-6:30 pm (839 Massachusetts St, Lawrence, KS 66044)

Starting at 6:30 am at the race site (8th and Oak) on March 9th.


Lodging information can be found here.

Frequently Asked Questions


In an effort to continue the Lawrence Trail Hawks motto of "Kindness to Life and Land," we are requiring runners to bring their own hydration devices. We will provide a few community cups by the water coolers at the aid stations if you are brave enough to use them. There will be some cups available to runners for hot beverages only. Please help us with this transition by ensuring that you bring a hydration device, no matter what distance you run. Thanks! All registered runners will also be provided a collapsible cup in their race packets for use on the trail and for post-race celebration.

Having your pi

The Pi Slam is an option for registration. Runners of the Pi Slam will run the Pi Miler and the Pi Day River Rotation Half Marathon.

The Ultra Pi Slam is another option for registration. Runners of the Ultra Pi Slam will run the Pi Miler and the Pi Day River Rotation Full Marathon.

For those feeling like they have the time, there is also the Answer To Everything (aka 42). The runners of 42 will run the Pi Miler, Pi Day River Rotation Half Marathon, and the Pi Day River Rotation Full Marathon.


The Organizer’s refund policy is subject to change at the discretion of the Organizer and any such changes are published either within this refund policy, Facebook page, and/ or on the Lawrence Trail Hawks website. You, as the participant, understand that we may cancel or postpone the Event if circumstances beyond our reasonable control. The Race Directors reserve the right to modify or cancel the race or course for safety concerns or natural disaster. In such cases there will be no refunds of race entry fees. Each athlete must accept any such risk of their entry fee paid. There is no complimentary race entry to a future race. Entry fees collected are used to develop and produce the event, starting well in advance of the race date – including course preparation, race supplies, permits and administration. We pledge to make every effort to produce a fair and safe event for all participants. Any decision we make that impacts the race date or potential cancellation is carefully considered and based on the overall event safety and manageability. The organizer will not refund any proportion of the Event Participation fee once the Participant has participated in the event. This policy is non-discriminatory and does not take account of any individual circumstances in order for fairness and clarity. Event reservations may be transferred between categories provided any additional costs that are relevant are paid in full if such a request is emailed ten clear days before the event date. You may transfer your Event reservation to a friend, in writing, to the Organizers, along with a signed waiver by the new participant, if such a request is emailed fourteen clear days before the event date. Any changes after that period are subject to approval by the RDs.


We are happy to share that Mile90 Photography will be shooting again in 2020. You can visit https://www.mile90.com/ to see past year's photos. Mile90 started taking photos for us for a few years now. Most of the wonderful photos you'll see on here and on our Facebook page are courtesy of them.


We will have chip timing by Timer Guys.


Trail Hawks Ridgeline aid station at Heartland100, 2018

Jeff & Kelly Keele Farewell/John Knepper photos 6-21-17

Hawk Hundred - 100/50/26.2 - 2012

Hawks Ridgeline aid station Heartland100

Saturday Long Run