The Snake

Race against The Snake!

The Snake 10-Mile Trail Race returns for its second year! This race takes its name from the winding nature of the course, set amid the rugged trails and old-growth forest of the north shore of Clinton Lake, Lawrence, Kan. The Snake traverses the connector trails between the north shore's blue- and white-blazed trail systems out about 5 miles and back again. The unique course layout promises to provide a new experience to even the seasoned Clinton Lake veteran! The Snake features a midway aid station staffed by fellow trail runners and a post-race watermelon feast for runners, volunteers, families and friends. The Snake is designed for runners who like using the words "brutal" and "fun" in the same sentence.

Race date:
July 14, 2018
Start time:
07:00 AM
Race distance:
10 miles

Event Information

Race Results

Trail Hawks Ridgeline aid station at Heartland100, 2018

Clinton Lake Cleanup 2015

Hawks Ridgeline aid station Heartland100

Lawrence Trail Hawks Frozen Fat Ass Run, Jan. 6, 2018