Halloween Prowl, Howl and Growl

Spooky Scary

Trail Hawks, Trail Hawk friends and family welcome

Costumes Encouraged!!! Although, like every year, I'll have costume items that you are more than welcome to borrow.

Potluck. The Trail Hawks will be providing a main dish, pop/soda/soda-pop (ugh, can I just say Coke, you know what I mean!! :) ) and some treats. Helpful potluck items to bring would be firewood. (If someone calls this early, Those Polish Thingies will bring pierogi.)

If no one camps out at shelter 1 before 3, we will have two grills and a fire pit at our disposal.

Gather beginning at 6:30 pm. You'll be divided into “packs” around 7 pm. Hit the trails at before/by 7:30pm. Party over by 10 pm, when they close the park gates.

Course will be 4.5 miles – One pack will go out on white from Shelter 1 to Marina Road, back on blue to Saunders Mound, where they will howl at the moon, and then back to Shelter 1. It will almost be a full moon, so should be a great night for a run.

The “pack” that wins the race gets a growler of beer from Free State.

Some photos from last year – http://www.flickr.com/photos/trailhawks/sets/72157625282931164/

Race date:
October 17, 2014
Start time:
06:30 PM
Race distance:

Event Information




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Trail Hawks Ridgeline aid station at Heartland100, 2018


HAWK 100 & 50 Mi

RRCA Coaching Certification Class, Lawrence

2015 HAWK 100, 50, 26.2 photo by Mile 90 Photography

Wednesday Night Hill Repeats, May 10, 2017 John Knepper photo