Coleen's Frozen Fat Ass

Fat Ass

Welcome to the 4th Annual "Run All Night in the Freezing Cold and Possible Snow/Sleet/Ice But Have the Time of Your Life" Run!

What: a 12 hour run on a 3 mile loop course. You do NOT have to run for 12 hours... you can come out and run 1 loop or 20 loops, you don't even have to start at 7pm, you can show up anytime after 7 and start .... there are NO rules! Ok... there are a few...

This is a nighttime trail run.. you MUST have a flashlight, headlamp or some sort of light source. It's DARK out there! The course will be marked with pink ribbons and reflective markers. The trail is not technical, but it is a trail so there will be uneven footing and some rocks and roots to deal with. It is a fantastic course for someone who has never run trails before. Very beginner friendly! The hills are all small and runnable and the water crossings will more then likely be dry... unless we get some major precipitation and then they might be icy.

NO dogs are allowed!! This is not my rule but the Prairie Centers rule and I do not want my ability to put this race on jeopardized. NO DOGS! (Or cats, or llamas, or goats...)

This event is FREE... but we do very happily accept donations which will be split between the Olathe Prairie Center and the Lawrence Trail Hawks. The Prairie Center uses the money for wildlife education for kids and also trail improvements. The Lawrence Trail Hawks provide the insurance and supplies to put on the race.

Now to the fun stuff..... the best part about this race is the food. We have always done this race as a "pot luck"... we ask that everyone bring a little something to share. In past years we have had pots and pots of homemade soups, ciders, hot coffee, homemade cookies, pies, fruit, chips... if it's a food, we've probably had on a table at this race! This is not a requirement but its fun to see just how much food you can eat and still run!

The course is a loop so every 3 miles you will come around to the start/finish (a historic home with light, bathrooms and HEAT!). You can stash your stuff in your car or leave it under the tents we will have set up outside so you can aid yourself and keep going... or go inside the house and socialize for a bit. The Hawks supply jugs of water, GU, Heed and hot coffee.

NEW THIS YEAR:: Everyone will be assigned a number this year... PLEASE make sure you check in at the house before the start of the race and sign the waiver and get your number!! We haven't gotten fancy enough for chip timing yet, but you will mark off your laps on a sheet corresponding to your number. VERY IMPORTANT!!

If you can't make this event... do NOT fear.. I also put this on in the summer as a Sweaty Ass Run!

Race date:
January 5, 2013
Start time:
07:00 PM
Race distance:

Event Information



Race Director




Coleen's Sweaty Ass Night Run, July 2011, Prairie Center, Olathe.

Hawk 50-Mile & Marathon Trail Runs

Birthday Fat Ass Run 2014

Kansas Ultrarunners Society Rockin' K 50-Mile & Marathon Trail Runs 2010 Photo by Kristi Mayo