Wednesday run

Aug. 22, 2010

Wednesday Night Run Rescheduled The "Wednesday night run":, Aug. 25, is rescheduled for Tuesday night, Aug. 24. Everything else is the same. Meet Corps of Engineers Parking lot, 6:30. Run will be a preview of the "Shoreline Shuffle 5K": course. Will carpool into state park. Back to regular schedule Wednesday, Sept. 1.

Kansas Ultrarunners Society Rockin' K 50-Mile & Marathon Trail Runs 2010 Photo by Kristi Mayo

2019 All Hands Meeting

HAWK 2016 Orientation and Pre-Race Dinner

Hawk Hundred 100/50/26.2 - 2012

Skyline Shuffle 2018

Lawrence Trail Hawks Frozen Fat Ass Run, Jan. 6, 2018