Second Annual Pi Day River Rotation Half Marathon

Jan. 28, 2012

We know you love running … but do you also love pie (and, for you mathematicians … pi)? Well, we have a race for you.

Sign up now for the second annual Pi Day River Rotation Half Marathon. It takes place Sunday, March 4, on the river trails in Lawrence.

The race was created to celebrate the mathematical constant pi — 3.14 — and to celebrate the dessert constant — pie. So, you say, this year’s race isn’t on March 14? You would be correct. The race day was moved to accommodate other races in the area, BUT it still takes place in the third month of the year, first week and fourth day of the month. BAM! 3.14.

Here’s how the course works. You will run a five-mile loop, then turn and run the loop in reverse. For those of you racing, it’ll give you a chance to see how your competition is holding up. For those of you running who enjoy cheering on other runners (and having them offer encouragement to you), this is a golden opportunity. After 10 miles, you’ll reverse direction again and run a shortened loop to the finish line where homemade pie awaits.

This race offers something for everyone. If you’re looking for a fast half marathon PR, the river trails are fast and smooth. If you’re looking to run your first half marathon, this is a very scenic and forgiving course.

So what are you waiting for? Sign up now!

Pi – and pie — await!

Lawrence Trail Hawks Frozen Fat Ass Run, Jan. 6, 2018

Trail Hawks Ridgeline aid station at Heartland100, 2018

2015 HAWK 100, 50 & 26.2 photos by Mile 90 Photography

Hawks Ridgeline aid station Heartland100