Race Briefing

Sept. 7, 2012

On Friday, September 7, packets may be picked up either at Shelter 1, Army Corps of Engineers Overlook Park at Clinton Lake from 5–7 pm. Use this address for Google Maps directions: Army Corps Engineer Parking lot @38.939776,-95.340847.

The pre-race briefing will begin at 5 pm. It is required for all 100-mile runners and is highly recommended for 50-mile and marathon runners. We will be raffling off entries into three nearby ultra-marathons. All Hawk entrants in attendance at the race briefing will be eligible to win.


Lake Henry aid station, Sanders Saunter 2018

2015 HAWK 100, 50, 26.2 photo by Mile 90 Photography

SNAKE 10-Mile Trail Race 2017 -- John Knepper photo

finish line