2024 All-Hands Meeting Minutes

March 12, 2024 by Todd "BAR Hawk" Chandler

Date and Time: Saturday, March 2, 2024, 6 PM

Location: Sunflower Bike and Outdoors

Attendees: Michael Miley, Jennifer, Jim Day, Mary Ann Frevert, Trudi Chavez, Cara Combs, Eric Deeter, Megan Moriarty, Shari Hicks, John Knepper, Kimberly Hawks, Jay Hawks, Kate Schroeder, Thomas Becker, Laurie Euler, Grant Holmes, Gary Henry, Josh McVey, Gerry Hollis, Ann Hollis, Michele Weaver, Billy Weaver, David Barfield, Todd Chandler.

Kansas Trail Council - Trail Use and Management Updates

• Trails are always open. Event continuation during adverse weather is at the race director's discretion.

• To prevent trail widening, navigate through, not around, wet spots. This will be communicated during events.

• Trail shortcuts through the woods are prohibited.

• Report trail obstructions to the North Shore Trails @ Clinton Lake Facebook group or Jim Day directly.

• Marina Road trail crossing will be streamlined to a single path for the Blue and White trails.

• Favor running on the west trails under wet conditions for better drainage and resilience.

Trail Hawk Race Directors Meeting (February 17, 2024)

• RDs shared best practices and ideas with each other.

• Decided to purchase a branded start/finish arch and feather flags.

• Agreed to set any Masters category awards at age 50 and over.

• Any Trail Hawks race that offers gender based awards will now include a non-binary category as well.

• Thanked all the Race Directors for their dedication and hard work.

Upcoming Events

Pi Day River Rotation: March 9, 2024, with over 100 runners registered.

Skyline Shuffle: Transitioning to a running celebration, with marked courses and a healthy breakfast. Free registration on RunSignUp. Skyline - 5/5/2024 https://runsignup.com/Race/KS/Lawrence/skylineshuffle

Night Hawk: June 29, 2024, marking the 10th anniversary with Mike Miley burning his 2015 Night Hawk hat post-race.

Snake: Registration opens in April on RunSignUp.

Trails that Connect Us (April 25, 2024)

• Hosted by Boulevard Brewing.

• The Hawks had a table last year and saw lots of interest from participants.

• Megan, Jay, Josh, and Mike volunteered to host our booth this year.

Group Runs

• Low attendance in beginners and hill repeats runs, with hopes for increased spring participation as the weather gets nicer and it stays light longer.

• Steady participation in the Thursday Gal Gallop. Also hopeful for an increase in participation this spring.

• Saturday Morning Runs to start on March 16, led by David Barfield. Open call for additional volunteer leaders.

Financial Update Money https://trailhawks.com/money/ Is updated with some 2023 transactions and a link to a drive with 2023 tax return and our proof of nonprofit status. The balance at the meeting was $24296.17 Gave away $4470 in 2023 Membership revenue is typically a little over $2000 each year We rely on races to be profitable enough to cover our $4000-5000 annual budget.

Budget Storage $1,200.00 RRCA $1,000.00 Annual Meeting $250.00 Flikr $120.00 PO Box $140.00 Birthday run $350.00 State of Kansas $40.00 Variable Other $1,000.00 Tax Filing Preparation $500.00 Quickbooks $120.00 zoom $120.00 SUM $4,840.00

Elections and Positions

• Welcome to Ann and Gerry Hollis as additional Race Directors for Sanders Saunter.

• Laurie Euler joins the Pi Day RD team and takes on the Social Media Manager role.

• New board members elected: Megan Moriarty (President), Mary Ann Freevert (Vice President), Josh McVey (Treasurer).

• Secretary position open, interested members should contact Megan.

• Open call for a Quarter Master to maintain organization of club supplies and equipment.

finish line

50K, 20 Mi & 10 Mi Night Trail Races

Marathon Finish

Snake 10-Mile Trail 2017. John Knepper photos.