June 2024 Board Meeting Minutes
Lawrence Trail Hawks Board Meeting Minutes
Lawrence Trail Hawks Board Meeting Minutes
Date: June 4
Time: 6:00 PM
Location: Lawrence Beer Co
In Attendance: Laurie Euler, Mike Miley, Megan Moriarty, Eric Deeter, Shari Hicks, Cara Combs, Josh McVey, Todd Chandler
Treasurer’s Report
Current balance: $28,798.34
Steady income from Snake and Night Hawk events
Moved $10,000 to an interest-bearing account
Kansas Trails Council Opportunity
Organizing trail maintenance days with Jim Day providing tools, supplies, and guidance
Need a coordinator; discuss with Jay Hawks
Proposed date: 6/9, 8 AM at the Corps
Consider making it an event-related activity like Loopalooza before each race
Event/Race Recaps
Skyline Shuffle Celebration (5/5)
Good turnout with amazing food
Community and Topeka Trail Runners attended
David Mullins received the Golden Hawk award
Interested Race Director volunteers for Skyline Shuffle can be mentored by Josh and Eric
Consider creating a Skyline Shuffle (or race directing) manual
Upcoming Events/Races for 2024
The Night Hawk (6/29)
80 signed up (37 for 50K, 15 for 20-miler, 28 for 10-miler)
Volunteer registration is open
Suggest using What Three Words app for emergency services
The Snake (7/20)
Typically gets last-minute sign-ups
Plan to set up a table at the Night Hawk event
20 registrations so far
Swag: Embroidered trucker hats
Course will start on Blue this year
The Hawk (9/7)
Registrations up from last year (58 total)
JB Tacos catering
SWAG is still being finalized
Shoreline Shuffle (10/5)
Campsites reserved
Need permits
Monarch Watch involvement (Sarah Schmidt was involved:
Sanders Saunter (11/2)
Weekly Group Runs
Attendance still lagging
David is continuing efforts to boost participation for Saturdays
Website and Newsletter Updates
Group runs updated on the website; send changes to Megan
Race pages are in progress; RDs should send additional info to Megan
Newsletter topics/ideas:
Skyline Shuffle
Better Know a Trail
Golden Hawk
Hawk of the Month
Crawl UltraSignup for members running upcoming races
Night Hawk story
Increase visibility/recruitment through locations brainstormed in May meeting
Next steps: Design laminated flyers with QR codes after website updates
Next Meeting
Scheduled for Tuesday, July 9th