July 2024 Board Meeting Minutes

July 22, 2024 by Todd "BAR Hawk" Chandler

Lawrence Trail Hawks Board Meeting Minutes

Lawrence Trail Hawks Board Meeting Minutes

Date: 7.16.24

Time: 6:30 PM

Attendees: Megan Moriarty, Mary Ann Frevert, Michael Miley, Eric Deeter, Cara Combs, Shari Hicks, David Barfield, and Todd Chandler

1. Treasurer’s Report:

Use the Venmo account @TrailHawks when they are paying for things. It is our official verified non-profit account so the income is to the organization. All the QR codes in the cash box are for this profile. Venmo does not allow payments from our organizational account. Josh updated the handle used for reimbursements from @TrailHawks-Treasurer to @lth-reimbursements. Total cash balance = $30,479.79

2. Event/Race Recaps:

The Night Hawk (6/29):

Overall, the event went well with no major issues. 39 runners completed the 50K, 31 finished the 20-miler, and 45 the 10-miler. Moving the Lands End aid station to the cabin was brilliant. Made set-up and breakdown so much easier. Also provided more amenities to runners: lights, bathroom, spectators. Tiki torches were masterfully displayed.

3. Upcoming Events/Races:

The Snake (7/20):

Run Sign-up is proving to be an easy-to-use and effective platform. Good sign-up numbers with 41 participants. Prepared for race day sign-ups. 70% of sign-ups are first-timers. 13 cross-overs between the trails. Used “What Three Words” to tag them all.

The Hawk (9/7):

Ahead of last year sign-ups for the 100-mile race. 50-mile sign-ups are a little low.

Shoreline Shuffle (10/5):

Event planning is on track. Monarch Watch is the charity partner.

Sanders Saunter (11/2):

Falling Forward Foundation is our charity partner. 18 sign-ups so far. Jordan is our first Hero runner. Donations to support the Hero runners will be made directly on the Falling Forward website. Donors will select the runner they are supporting on their donation form. We’ll get reporting from Falling Forward every two weeks.

Cactus Roulette (1/25-26):

Will begin getting park permits and insurance filed.

4. Club Equipment Requests:

Approved the purchase of a new coffee maker/hot water kettle. Mary Ann to purchase.

5. Weekly Group Runs:

Saturday runs have been consistent. No big groups yet, but gaining some interest. Starting at 7 AM through the summer. Discussed strategies of getting the word out. Will try creating events for them on Facebook to see if that gets a broader audience. Didn’t seem to make sense to start a new Facebook sub-group. Start posting about it in the newsletter.

6. Newsletter Updates:

Todd to draft a schedule for publications. Potential content: Golden Hawk congratulations Skyline Race Director (RD testimonials) Trail maintenance days Hawk of the month (runner and volunteer) Membership welcomes and renewals “Good Running” for members with upcoming races

7. Membership:

Design a laminated flyer with a QR code after website updates.

8. Open Floor:

No additional topics discussed.

9. Next Meeting:

Scheduled for August 20th at 6 PM at Lawrence Beer Co.

Bunker_Hill HAWK_Marathon

Hawk Hundred Finisher's Belt Buckle design

Lake Henry aid station, Sanders Saunter 2018

50K, 20 Mi & 10 Mi Night Trail Races