Oct 2022 board meeting minutes

Oct. 10, 2022 by Gary "Story Hawk" Henry

To: Todd Chandler, president; Jordan Shrack, vice president; Josh McVey, treasurer; Mike Miley, social media director; Caroline Wroczynski, membership director; Hollie Davis, quartermaster; Mary Ann Frevert, swagmaster

From: Gary Henry, secretary

Subject: Minutes of Oct. 5, 2022 board meeting

1. Meeting called to order

The Lawrence Trail Hawks held their monthly board meeting 6:30 pm to about 8 pm, Oct. 5, via Zoom. Present were Todd Chandler, president; Jordan Shrack, vice president; Josh McVey, treasurer; Gary Henry, secretary; Mike Miley, social media director; Caroline Wroczynski, membership director; Mary Ann Frevert, swagmaster; Eric Deeter, SNAKE RD; Ami Hyten, HAWK co-RD; Megan Moriarty, Shoreline Shuffle RD; Cara Beth, member; and Sean Alvarez, member. The meeting began with a review of the agenda items by Todd.

2. Events

First on the agenda were reviews and progress reports of the club’s recent and upcoming events.

The SNAKE 10-Mile Trail Race -- Though not on the agenda, Todd asked for an ad hoc recap of the event which took place in July. Although a final income figure was not available, Gary estimated about $1,000 in the black, based on entries, expenditures and previous years. Josh said he would research the final amount. Gary reported the event was attended in line with previous years and went off without a hitch. New RD Eric Deeter said he was still looking at ideas for the 2023 SNAKE.

The HAWK 100-, 50- and 26.2-Mile Trail Races -- Ami reported this was the first year that she and Jordan put on the event entirely on their own, and that help from “unofficial RD” Cara was instrumental in helping to handle a steep learning curve. Although this year’s new “relay” component wasn’t as successful as hoped, Ami stated it’s still a good idea and will likely try it again in 2023.

The HAWK ran a deficit this year for the first time, due in part to cleaning up deferrals from previous years, and unexpected competition from Will Sprouse’s inaugural hundred-miler. Ami complimented the aid station volunteers on their work. She said the event is better off as a smaller “niche” hundred, rather than a big Western States qualifier, as that helps maintain the outstanding runner support the HAWK is known for. She is considering some ideas for a HAWK/Team Sparkle training and race collaboration.

Jordan added that the race generated some great stories, such as the runner who made 75 miles after a previous longest-run of only 15. She added that she will consider 20 percent growth over this year’s entries constituting a successful 2023 event.

Cara echoed Ami on the steep learning curve. Todd congratulated the RDs on a great event, and said he would reach out to Will Sprouse about the date conflict. Todd noted that the carport shelter at the Lands End aid station worked well. He also stated that the cheese pancakes at the West Park road aid station were extraordinarily good.

Prowl, Howl and Growl – Caroline reported that the Trail Hawks’ annual Halloween event is averaging between about 10-25 people each year. The board and members discussed ways of bolstering attendance, including online sign-ups. Todd and Caroline will discuss creating an official budget for the event. Caroline said in 2017 she spent about $250 on the Prowl, Howl and Growl, which she said is typical. This year’s Prowl, Howl and Growl will be held Friday, Oct. 21, so as not to conflict with a Saturday evening Team Sparkle event.

Shoreline Shuffle 5K – (Note: this event has taken place.) Megan announced this year’s Shuffle, Oct. 7, 2022, adds a 10K race, extending the course to a turn-around just west of Swim Beach. As of the meeting, 18 were signed up for the 5K and 24 in the 10K. She said they have great snacks ready to go, including a coffee donation from Kansas City’s Second Best Coffee Espresso Bar. The race will be a benefit for Lawrence-based Haus of McCoy, a community hub for queer- and trans-youth.

Sanders’ Saunter – Todd says the event is mostly ready to go, with insurance and permissions in hand. As of the meeting, there are 28 runners in the 50K, 38 in the 25K, and 38 in the 10K. The race will be capped at 50 per distance to ensure good runner support.

Frozen Fat Ass – Caroline reports that the 24-hour event is set to begin Jan. 7. After discussion, the board agreed on a noon start. The two cabins closest to Lands End have been reserved for the event.

Cactus Roulette – Todd reports the 2nd annual Cactus Roulette opened two weeks ago. He has offered a time-limited discount to repeat runners, and a discount for dues-paying Trail Hawks. The race is set for Jan. 28, and will see a price increase of $20, Jan. 1. So far, 25 have signed up, including 8 in the 24-hour; one in the 12-hour “Lark”; four in the 12-hour “Owl”; and 12 in the 6-hour race. Opening for entries was briefly delayed by a problem getting insurance, but that has been solved.

All Hands Meeting – The board agreed to hold the club’s annual All Hands Meeting at the Lawrence Visitors Center, same as last year, and on the same Saturday in February, this year Feb. 25.

3. Memberships

The board and members discussed ways of attracting new dues-paying members, and re-signing current members. Although Trail Hawks dues cover a full year no matter when paid, ultrasignup offers a calendar-year period only. The board discussed moving memberships to a calendar-year basis, but no consensus was reached. Todd said he will talk with Jeff Triplett about creating a system that members can easily access to see their dues-status, and that will automatically send out reminders. Several members suggested the “subscription model” for memberships. The board and members also talked about holding periodic membership drives/sign-up days on selected weekly runs, the Birthday Run and at the All Hands Meeting.

4. Swag

Mary Ann and Todd report that the club has been talking to Jeff at “Pride of Gumbo '' about setting up an online ordering system/website for members which would let members order Trail Hawks items directly from the vendor about three times per year. Tentative delivery times would be about 3-5weeks. Though not a money-maker for the club, such a system could help meet the club goal of getting people to wear Trail Hawks-branded gear. Major unanswered questions still include pricing; what kind of gear – running or ath-leisure; and what sorts of colors and designs. Suggestions included querying members in the newsletter, in the minutes, and on weekly runs.

5. Communications

Todd requested that information regarding Trail Hawks participating in events in or out of the club be reported to Social Media Director Mike Miley so that he can promote club members on Instagram. Trail Hawks are participating in several big upcoming events, including Mines of Spain, Javelina Jundred, and an unofficial all-women rim-to-rim-to-rim Grand Canyon expedition.

6. Treasurer’s Report

Josh reported that as of Oct. 5, the Trail Hawks account at Truity Credit Union in Lawrence totals $37,451.08.

7. Next meeting

Next meeting is set for Wednesday, Nov. 16, 6:30 pm, at the Lawrence Beer Company.

8. Meeting adjourned

With all issues addressed, the meeting was adjourned.


Gary Henry Secretary

Wednesday Night Hill Repeats, May 10, 2017 John Knepper photo

Hawk Hundred 100/50/26.2 - 2012

HAWK 100 & 50 Mi

SNAKE 10 Mile Trail Race 2018