Board Meeting Minutes February, 2017

Feb. 23, 2017 by Kara "Red Hawk" Baden

From: Kara Protasio, Trail Hawk Secretary

To: Trail Hawks membership, via Trail Hawks board of directors

Subj: Minutes of Feb. 22 board meeting

The Lawrence Trail Hawks Board of Directors held its monthly meeting Feb. 22, at Josh McVey’s house. Attending: Matt O’Reilly, President, Benita Jones, Vice President; Josh McVey, Treasurer; Kara Protasio, Secretary; Caroline Wroczynski, Membership Chair; and Ami Weidler-Hyten Hawk Hundred Race Director. Webmaster Jeff Triplett was unable to attend. Matt called the meeting to order at 7:22 p.m.

The meeting started with a group discussion on the proposal for the Whitewater Facility at Clinton Lake. This is a something the board wants to keep an eye on as it affects the club. No one from the non-profit has reached out to talk to the group about the proposal. The board that it would be best to start with a letter of opposition to the Kansas Department of Wildlife and to the Lawrence City Commission. We are looking for someone to write an opposition letter and work with Karen Salisbury Henry on this issue.

Josh talked about creating a document with all Lawrence Trail Hawk policies. Currently, we don’t have any documentation except for old minutes on all of the LTH policies adopted by the board. It’s important that we have a document that we can update anytime that we can post on our website. Ami volunteered to create an outline of a document that we can slip the board policies into.

Josh mentioned that Sara Morris and Cara Combs are considering the quartermaster position to keep the storage unit organized.

The group discussed what it would like to see with the $500 Cabela’s donation. Caroline asked for heaters for Pi Day. Josh will come back with a list of items that we can use it for. Will talk about it next meeting.

Josh’s Treasury Report: Josh switched all the google docs to a google account so the next treasurer has access. Race directors can report in the same way. Josh is keeping records of only ultra-signup so that you know the income for every race. We are trending the same as last year for all races except for Skyline. Checking account: $ 11,089.58 Savings: 2,208.33

Other items on the agenda: Talk about conflict of interest and IRS requirement was deferred until the next meeting.

With no further business, Matt adjourned the meeting.

Very Respectfully,

Kara Protasio, Trail Hawk Secretary

L to R (Front) Rachel, James "Skull Hawk" Barker. (Back) Levi "Smilin' Hawk" Bowles, Christie "Hawk Mama" Craig, Laurie "Pixie Hawk" Euler, Nick "Colo Hawk" Lang.

Jeff & Kelly Keele Farewell/John Knepper photos 6-21-17

Hawks Ridgeline aid station Heartland100