All Hands Meeting

Nov. 6, 2016 by Gary "Story Hawk" Henry

Hi All, The Lawrence Trail Hawks 9th Annual All Hands meeting is set for Saturday evening, Jan. 21, 2017, 7 - 9 pm at in the "Bly Room" at Lawrence's Holcom Park Recreation Center, 27th and Lawrence. The meeting room is identical to what we've been in at the Community Building downtown, except it's on the first floor, and has windows. Tables, chairs and kitchenette all provided. Doors will open at 6 pm for set up and socializing, and we have until 10 pm, following meeting adjournment, for socializing and clean-up. Potluck. I'm bringing the usual All Star veggie potato chili, though a touch hotter than the Lands End aid station variety. Beer allowed, of course. We'll be electing our 2017 board members. Currently up for election are: Matt "Civil Hawk" O'Reilly, president; Benita "Novocaine Hawk" Jones, V.P.; Josh "Free State Hawk" McVey, Treasurer; Kara "Red Hawk" Protasio, Secretary. If you have ?? about the meeting, or items you'd like to bring before the membership for discussion, email the current Secretary -- that's me, Gary "Story Hawk" Henry -- at [email protected]. I expect we'll have race shirts and hoodies, on sale, as well as some possible freebies. come out, eat, drink, laugh, be outraged at various proposals, see all your trail and ultra-running friends, and help usher in your club's NINTH year! Nine years! Who'd a thunk? Hope to see you!! IMPERIOUS REX!

Lawrence Trail Hawks Frozen Fat Ass Run, Jan. 6, 2018