Board Meeting Minutes 12-2015

Dec. 16, 2015 by Gary "Story Hawk" Henry

The Lawrence Trail Hawks Board of Directors held their monthly meeting Dec. 8, 2015, 7 pm at the Lawrence Public Library. Board members present: Bill Loats, President; Sherrie Klover, Vice President; Justin Douglas, Treasurer; Gary Henry, Secretary; Caroline Wroczynski, Membership Director; and Jeff Triplett, Webmaster. Also attending: Josh McVey, Skyline Shuffle Co-RD, Nick Combs, Sanders Saunter Co-RD, and Trail Hawks member Kendra Kuhlman.

The first item of business was a request from Kendra for assistance with a proposed benefit race. Kendra has been in touch with Sherrie Emerson, owner of Pet World at 23rd and Louisiana, a store which suffered grave damage in a fire last year. The damage has been repaired, but the store is trying to pay for a $70,000 sprinkler system to prevent such damage from happening again. Kendra requested Trail Hawks assistance in putting on a benefit race in the spring to help raise the money.

The board agreed to loan Kendra any equipment she might need to put on such a race, and also provide contacts and RD expertise as needed. The board also discussed possibly using the Skyline Shuffle as the benefit race, since it occurs right around the time Kendra is consdering for her race. Josh said he would talk it over with fellow Co-RD Matt O’Reilly before making a decision. The discussion noted that although Pet World is a for-profit business, it contributes to the community in many ways, and so might be a candidate for a Trail Hawks benefit race, though traditionally, beneficiaries are non-profits.

On a related note, Sherrie Klover said that with the addition of a 50K to the 2016 Sanders Saunter benefit race, costs, especially for finishers’ awards, would be up, and so the Saunter might not be the best choice for the Trail Hawks benefit race going forward. The board discussed changing the benefit race to the Skyline Shuffle, starting in 2016 with the decision to rest with the RDs.

Treasurer’s report

Justin reported the current balance at Truity Credit Union at $10,311.66, though that is due to decrease as the club meets some obligations, including a $2,000 donation to Team RWB as the benefit recipient of the 2015 Sanders Saunter. Other expenses include a check for $594.32 to CopyCo for 1,000 copies of the updated Trail Hawks trifold brochure, and deposits to retain Race Day chip timing for the 2016 HAWK and 2016 Sanders Saunter, and other ongoing race expenses. The trifolds are set to be in hand by Dec. 22 or sooner. The club also plans to purchase two patio heaters for $138.55, for cold-weather-events, and a measuring wheel, $22.22, for precise course measuring. After all current expenses are met, Justin expects a balance of $5,359.02.

Bill Loats reported that the move from the 5x10 storage unit on Haskell to the 10x20 storage unit at Clinton Lake Storage is complete. The new unit is slightly more expensive, but proximity to most Trail Hawks events is expected to save money on truck rentals. The increased size easily accomodates all gear. Access will be limited to board members and RDs. Member requests to use Trail Hawks gear for events outside the club should go to Bill Loats, who also serves as the club Quartermaster.

The All-Hands Annual Meeting, scheduled for Saturday, Jan. 23, 6:30-9:30 pm at the Lawrence Community Building, 115 W. 11th St., will feature a “fire sale” of premium gear from past races including hoodies, technical shirts and the 2016 Shoreline Shuffle (Skyline edition) mug.

Caroline reported that the 2016 Prowl, Howl and Growl is set for Friday night, Oct. 21. She also mentioned that she is continuing to look into the possibility of offering 5-year and lifetime Hawk memberships. In order to keep current on members’ Hawk names, Caroline requests the newly named Hawks e-mail her with their Hawk names, at [email protected].

With all business concluded, the meeting adjourned shortly before 9 pm.

SNAKE 10-Mile Trail Race 2017 -- John Knepper photo

Hawk Hundred 100/50/26.2 - 2012