Oct. 29, 2014 by Justin "Chem Hawk" Douglas

Trail Hawks - Not to distract from our awesome event, the 2014 Sanders Saunter 10K/25K on 11/22, but a friend is a first time RD for the TJ5K on 11/15. I'm told it is a flat, fast course. Probably a good place to shoot for that PR! Info below ..

I wanted to extend an invitation to members of the Lawrence Trailhawks to our upcoming event, the TJ5K and Family Fun Run. It will be held on Saturday, November 15, at 9 a.m., at 1470 N 1000 Road, on property west of the Nazarene church. The 5K is a trail run. It is not a certified course, but is in a beautiful setting. We have a 1-mile run/walk also and a "tiny-k" Fun Run for the kids. Our race benefits tiny-k Early Intervention of Douglas County. Our website is and our Facebook page is TJ5K Run.

Lawrence Trail Hawks Frozen Fat Ass Run, Jan. 6, 2018

2015 HAWK 100, 50, 26.2 photo by Mile 90 Photography

2015 Birthday Fat Ass