Hello, Trailhawks

Dec. 16, 2013 by Justin "GNT Hawk" Henning

Hello, Trailhawks -

As your outgoing club president, I'd like to share with you several opportunities within the Lawrence Trailhawks Club that are open to any interested member, regardless of how long you've been part of the club.


Email [email protected] with any questions you may have, as well as the position you're inquiring about. Feel free to contact me if you'd prefer to ask more discreetly (contact information below)


Still email us at [email protected] with the names of any members you want to nominate for MEMBER OF THE YEAR. We'll need a name and why, of course.


Our annual member's meeting is currently scheduled from 2-4 p.m. on Jan 25, 2014 at TBD location. More email about that when we get closer to the date and determine a location.


President (voting board position) - I've been in this role for two years, and it's been a fun ride. But I think the club needs some new energy. Could that energy be yours? Don't let the title scare you - this can be any individual who has an interest in the club and has some ideas they'd like to see realized in the year ahead.

Vice President (voting board position) - In the event the trail hawk president becomes lost on an area trail or is felled by a stray sprained ankle, the VP position is there to step up. And also vote on board matters at all regularly scheduled board meetings.

Secretary (voting board position) - Do you enjoy listening to conversations and recording what is said? Are you able to type efficiently? This could be you!

Social Media (appointed, non-voting position) - Looking for a motivated individual to maintain our modest social media empire - a Twitter account, Facebook page/group and a Flickr account. If the idea of live-tweeting a 5K appeals to you, then this position is for you.

"But I've never served on a board," you say through a frost-coated ski mask while running on the river trails. "And I don't have the time."


This club comes with:

80 percent of club business conducted over email. In-person board meetings held at local bars including but not limited to: Johnny's, Free State and Frank's North Star Tavern. DRINK BEER WHILE YOU DELIBERATE AND VOTE! ALL - yes ALL - Race Directors are returning to helm the same events in 2014. That means these talented RD's who were awesome last year have experience to be even more awesome this year with only basic event updates and budget approvals for the board to vote on. Rumor has it this is the year we're getting CLUB SHIRTS. If that happens on your watch, that's resume material right there. Short on water bottles? Folding tables? Coolers? We have boxes of them you can KEEP in your very own garage! (or our club storage unit) WHAT! TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE, you say.

Thanks for another great year - to borrow a phrase from our own Gary Henry: IMPERIUS REX!

Justin "GNT Hawk" Henning Club President

RRCA Coaching Certification Class, Lawrence

Hawk 50 finish

Lake Henry aid station, Sanders Saunter 2018